
Chapter 23

Apollo's pov

Today we are going on a mission. I don't usually go on these missions but we have just located Angelina's whereabouts and those bastards had the guts to steal from my warehouse as well.

I walked down the basement to where Adrastos are being held. The fucker though we won't find her.

I open the cell door and walk up to him, "We found her, and I know that you planned the whole thing to draw our attention away from the warehouse." I smirked looking at his face.

"Fuck you," He growled.

I shake my head laughing, "When I get back I'm going to finish you and the rest of your family!" I told him before walking out.

"Don't you dare Apollo!" He shouts but I just continue walking.

I walked out and climb inside one of my Inkas Sentry Civilian armor cars as the other guys all climbed into the others.

"We are almost there," Zeus says from the driver's seat over the radio.

"Do everyone have their safety vests on?" Zeus asked and they all reply with a yes.

"Remember take all the Samaras
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