
Chapter Forty Three

I hung up the phone with my best friend stressing about my situation. I ran to the other side of the bed.

“Gianna, open up now.”

I placed my hand on my chest.

“I’m coming.”

It was only Brad. I could finally breathe, but that didn’t mean I was at ease. I opened the door with shaky hands. Brad burst in and surveyed the room. Rufus stopped barking. He walked into the room and stood next to me. I rubbed his head to comfort him. He must not have liked that I left him with the bodyguard.

“Why did you lock yourself in the room?” Brad asked.

“I… nothing. I just needed a minute.”

Brad walked to the walk-in closet and the bathroom while Rufus and I crawled onto the bed. The second I touched the soft bed I realized how exhausted I was.

“Is that all?” He asked when he came back.

I didn’t know what he was looking for, Silas. The bodyguards must have

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