

Jamal Kunis POV

"Why take the children along?" Conrad asked.

"Methis might be a young girl, but she is still a mother."

Conrad's face broadened with a smile. He knew where this was going. "And there is nothing a woman likes more than her children." He patted me roughly on the shoulder.

"She'll do anything for them. Even come back to the wolf realm."

"I like the sound of that. Do you wish to call a council meeting on this one?" Conrad asked.

"No. I hate the sound of old lads debating over matters that concern them not."

Conrad took a bow and walked out. "You are a good man, my friend!" he called back as he made his way out.


I waited till it was well into the night before I broke the news to my children. Though I tried my best not to make it obvious that we were going in search of their mother. I let them stay up a little later than they were used to hoping the intoxicating effect of sleep that they weren't used to could act as some buffer to make the news easier to break. I
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