
Destroy Dark moon pack

The journey to the Crescent moon pack was quiet until Bella and Alpha Coast got to Alpha Nathan’s office.

They both had an angry look on their face while Nathan was smiling at them, it was actually nice to see them shaken by him.

He had always been the one to cower whenever Alpha Coast was around but now that he had Luther in his care, he was able to hold his head high and stand his ground against him.

“Nice to have you back again Alpha Coast and my dear niece Bella” he said in a mocking tone, he crossed his legs staring at them.

“Where is Luther?” Bella asked and he scoffed,

“Do you think you have the right to ask the questions here or is because you have your mate with you that you think you can talk to me as you like” Alpha Nathan lashed back at her, he missed those days when Bella would listen and do everything he said but ever since she got tangled with Alpha Coast she had completely changed.

“Don’t you dare test me?” Bella bolted to her feet furious, she hated the guts of her Un
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