
Chapter 111: Cain.

“Are you going to ask Rhys what all that was about?”

Safira is walking with a spring in her step by my side and her sprightly attitude has me frowning. To begin with, I can't imagine what has her feeling so excited.

“Cain, it’s rude to ignore people y’know.”

She places one of her legs in my path and I stop before turning to look at her. I frown.

Safira is pretty, and she’s aware of it. Her smile is bright and she radiates that feminine presence.

“Do you enjoy annoying me, Safira?”

“It’s the only way I’ve managed to get close to you so far Cain, so I reason that if I annoy you enough, you’ll actually miss my presence when we’re back home.”

I roll my eyes at that and step over the leg she’s put out.

I don’t consider that place home but it is the only home I have known.

Leah is there, as well as Raina and the warriors, my books and the forest are there, and speaking of forests…

“Do you think you can help me figure out which village Rhys and Adelaide passed through on their way here? Ade
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