
Chapter 14 Rub It In

Callie bit her lower lip, her thoughts racing as she tried to gather her thoughts.

The demands of her gruelling schedule as a surgical resident had left her with little time for personal matters, and she had honestly forgotten about Elias’s proposal.

She looked up at him, uncertainty in her eyes.

‘I... I’m sorry, Lieutenant Colonel Westwood, I—’

‘Just call me Elias.’

‘All right. Um, Elias, the past few days have been a blur. I completely forgot about your, um, your proposal.’ She shifted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of the decision pressing upon her.

Before she could utter another word, her phone buzzed in the pocket of her pristine white lab coat.

The caller ID flashed ‘Abby Colman.’

Confusion washed over Callie’s face—why would Simon’s new girlfriend be calling her?

The two women certainly weren’t friends, given the tension that had lingered since the end of Callie’s relationship with Simon.

Curiosity gnawed at her, and she stepped away from Elias, answering the call. ‘Hello, Abby. What do you want?’

Abby’s voice dripped with a mixture of smugness and malice. ‘Surprised to hear from me, Callie? Well, I have some news for you. Remember that article you sent to the International Journal of Medical Science and Research? The one that got rejected?’

Callie’s heart sank.

She had poured her soul into that article, hoping for recognition and validation from her peers.

The rejection had been a blow to her confidence, but she hadn’t expected Abby to have any involvement.

‘What about it, Abby?’ Callie asked, her voice tinged with anger. ‘Did you have something to do with it?’

Abby couldn’t contain her glee as she revelled in Callie’s misfortune. ‘Oh, you bet I did! Your article was nice, Callie, but I couldn’t bear to see your name in such a prestigious journal. So, I pulled a few strings, made a few calls, and got it rejected. Consider it a little gift from me.’

The weight of Abby’s vindictiveness crushed Callie’s spirits.

She couldn’t fathom why this woman took pleasure in causing her pain.

Tears welled up in Callie’s eyes, threatening to spill over.

She fought to hold them back, refusing to show weakness in front of Elias.

Her voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt as she demanded an explanation. ‘Why would you do this to me, Abby? What did I ever do to deserve your cruelty?’

Abby sat nonchalantly on her bed, her face twisted in a sneer. ‘Oh, Callie, can’t you see? I can do whatever I want to you because you’re nothing. Just a pathetic orphan with no family, no connections. You could never hope to compete with someone like me.’

Callie’s fury bubbled up within her, fuelled by Abby’s heartless words.

She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. ‘You think you can teach me a lesson? Warn me about snatching Simon away from you? Well, guess what, Abby? I don’t want him. I gave up on him a long time ago. So, your little game is pointless.’

Abby’s laughter cut through the air, dripping with a mix of arrogance and vindictiveness. ‘Oh, sweetheart, you can lie to yourself all you want, but I know the truth. Simon and I are getting married in two days, and you’re invited. If you don’t have the guts to show up, it’s fine. It’ll just prove that you’re nothing but a coward.’

Callie’s heart pounded in her chest, a tumultuous mix of fury and sadness coursing through her veins.

She couldn’t understand why Abby was so determined to torment her.

The worst part was that Abby held power over her—a connection Callie couldn’t afford to lose.

Abby’s father, the director at Rosedale Hospital, held Callie’s professional fate in his hands.

Bitterness laced Callie’s words as she forced herself to speak calmly, masking her inner turmoil. ‘Abby, believe what you want. But I have no interest in Simon or your wedding. I have a life and a career to focus on. You can keep playing your games, but they won’t break me.’

Abby’s eyes narrowed, a glimmer of doubt flickering in her gaze.

She refused to believe Callie’s words, clinging to her own twisted version of reality. ‘You’re lying, Callie. You still want him. I can see it in your eyes. But don’t worry, you’ll be at the wedding. And when you see Simon marrying me, you’ll finally understand your place.’

With that final taunt, Abby ended the call, leaving Callie seething with anger and frustration.

She thrust her phone back into her pocket, tears streaming down her face.

Callie felt her world crumbling around her, suffocated by the torment Abby seemed determined to inflict upon her.

She longed to find solace within the walls of Rosedale Hospital, but the presence of both Abby and Simon as colleagues, coupled with the fact that Abby’s father held a powerful position as the hospital director, cast a shadow of uncertainty over her future.

What was she supposed to do?


And then what?

Without completing her surgical residency first, her chances of finding employment at any other hospital were slim at best.

Lost in her desperation, Callie didn’t notice when a pair of strong arms enveloped her, pulling her close in a forceful yet comforting embrace.

She was spun around, her face pressed against a warm, solid chest.

It was Elias.

The intensity of his touch sent a surge of both confusion and arousal coursing through her veins.

She looked up, her eyes meeting his, and for a moment, the world faded away.

Elias’s gaze held a depth that seemed to reach into the very core of her being.

His face was framed by the hazy glow of the moon, lending an air of ethereal mystery to his presence.

Callie’s heart raced as she struggled to break free from his grip, but her resistance only seemed to fuel his determination.

Just as Callie attempted to pull away, Elias leaned down, his cheek grazing against her lips.

The tantalizing touch sent a surge of electricity through his body, his muscles tensing with desire.

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