
Chapter 12

My heart suddenly started beating fast. Why had she called by this time, did something happen? Had that guy come back.

"L-Layla, are you okay?"

"y-yes, how can I not be okay? I'm perfectly fine!" she said. I removed the phone from my ear. She was okay. She was just drunk. I breathe a sigh of relief, putting the phone back in my ear.

"why had you call?" I asked slowly.

"I want to tell you something, come over." had she forgiven me...?

"do not think I forgive you. I'd always hate you Lily." she sneered through the phone.

"ugh! Just come over." with that, she hung up. She doesn't seem to be in trouble, did she just want me to come over?

I sighed going back to my room.

I was in front of Xavier's door when I heard that lady's voice. "Xavier, please. Let's continue." you could tell she was trying to hold him.

Why do I feel comfortable about this?

"for Christ's sake! We're engaged! This is normal." she screamed

"get.out." I heard him grit.

I walked closer to the door. This was wrong but my curiosity got the best of me.

"why? I saw the way, you've been looking at that female assistant of yours, don't tell me you like her!" she said, clearly annoyed.

"what if I do?" he sneered out.

"ugh! You, you! I'm going to tell daddy! We're going to get married sooner than you think. I will not stand back and let you do this. You promised y-you would-" she cuts herself crying.

He said something so low that I couldn't hear.

Did he like me? What if I do?

I don't think that was what he meant. Everything was already complicated as it was.

"This is not over Xavier, we would be together before you know it," she said as I heard the stamping of heels coming to the door. I quickly hid. The door flung open revealing a very beautiful lady.

She looked like a goddess. Making me doubt Xavier would ever choose me over her.

She was also curvy and tall while I was straight and short?

She walked out angrily. You could tell she was really rich with the clothes and jewelry she had on.

I sighed and continued my walk to my room. Why was Xavier suddenly in my mind? I don't know, but the thought of another woman in his arm was eating me up. The thought of him getting married was killing me.

Lily, stop. He is just my boss. I can't be thinking that of him.

I got to my room, closed the door behind me, and talked the bed, laying on it, I fell asleep after what felt like forever.


I woke up when I heard Carrie's voice. "mommy, it's morning already." she said urging me to get up.

This is the first time she has woken up before me. Her small frame in ked for the clock. It was 9:35 am.

Oh god. I got up, and with her hanging on my back, she giggled sliding down.

We went to the bathroom.

When we were done, we walked out of the room going to the dining "mommy?" I looked down to see Carrie looking up at me.

"yes?" I answered. "do you know my daddy?" I choked. She had never asked me about that before. she didn't even know what a daddy was.

I know it's wrong of me not to at least tell her about it, but I couldn't bring myself in saying it.

"my friend Stella, has a daddy. She said everyone has one."

"friend?" I asked.

"Hmm," she replied. Okay, this was it.

"you do have a dad Carrie." she beamed at this.

"is the Xavier?" she asked taking me off guard again.

"n-no. It's not Xavier," I replied slowly. She frowned. You could tell she was wishing it was him.

"then who?" she asked and I gulped.


I was in the meeting room with Xavier, he had another meeting with that creepy guy in the first contract meeting and some other few persons.

They were all in suits. I must say Xavier looked stunning. I can't believe I am saying that.

But it was true though. All the female in here was gawking at him. His black hair was well styled complimenting his looks.

He doesn't know I heard his conversation last night though. He was engaged.

I frowned at this. What if I do? Those words keep running through my head.

Maybe he was just trying to annoy that lady, his fiancee.

I was lost in my thoughts until someone poured a cup of tea on me.

"I'm so sorry." I looked at the person, it was that creepy guy. Now that he was so close to me. I remembered him.

He works for Jack. I should have known. What was he doing here? Calm down. Maybe he is here for business. I told myself but something told me he wasn't. He was a spy here.

But why would he want to spy? As if my trouble wasn't enough right now. I gave him a suspicion.

"i-it's okay," I said walking out, I went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror.

Yes, his fiancee was so much prettier. Was I comparing myself to her? Some part of me was jealous. I admit. Not because she was prettier or anything, but because she was Xavier's fiancee.

But Xavier doesn't seem to like her though. Stop! This is so unlike you! I scold myself.

I cleaned the stain from my cloth. I jumped when my phone rang. Wow, this was the second time I've had this.

I looked at the caller's id. This was Layla's number. With shaky hands, I answered it.

"Lily, please... come-" she was cut off when I heard a loud bang.

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