

After crying for what seemed like hours, I sat upright and looked around. Whoever dragged me through the tunnel was gone or well hidden in the darkness. I could not see past where I sat. I stood to my feet then and cast a glance around the room or wherever it was I was. I saw nothing but pitch black. My head throbbed, and my stomach tumbled. I was going to throw up. I was scared, and I was going to throw up.

There was nothing I could lay my eyes on, which gave me any idea of where I was. The floor was mere dust and stones, and the walls were too smooth and too hard. Unlike anything I had touched before.

I traced the wall around, but I had not found anything that felt like a door. What was this place? Was this how I died?

I sank to the floor, put my head between my legs, and began to cry. Auntie had tried to warn me, but I had not listened. What would she do if she woke up to find that I was missing? She would know that I had defiled her, and she would be very upset.

I looked u
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