
Chapter 84 – Close familial bonds or a messy love triangle?

While making their way towards the study, Noah couldn’t help but inquire, “What happened to your manor?”

Levi avoided his eyes and pretended he hadn’t heard his question. Noah waited for his response, and only after a long while had passed did he realize that the other had no intention of responding.

“Brother?” Noah tugged at Levi’s sleeve, but the other lunged to knock on the study door as if chased by a flesh-eating zombie.

Noah stared at the fleeing brother-in-law speechlessly, feeling a bit amused. If he couldn’t or didn’t wish to answer, he could have just said so. But this silly-cute brother-in-law didn’t want to say no to him, yet didn’t wish to talk about the topic either, so he opted for such a childish response.

How could they continue this conversation now? Noah could only drop the topic and wait until the two of them were alone to bring it up.


City lord of Concordia initially felt rather apologetic towards this future son-in-law of his. Not only did the man get into an accident in his city – while trying to help them solve their own internal problems – but even though all of that happened, his daughter never made an appearance to offer her moral and emotional support to her miserable future husband.

How would the poor man feel after waking up to find out that his darling wasn’t there by his bedside?

But, several hours later, after handling many articles with titles like “Astar Levi - Which Cordia is he actually marrying?”, “Cordia Aris – a little brother or a ‘third party’?”, and “Close familial bonds or a messy love triangle?”, Cordia daddy felt a bit… disturbed. Something wasn’t quite right about this future in-law.

Of course, the city lord handled the press very professionally, acting like all of their content was baseless rumors and nonsense. He put on a convincing front of there being absolutely nothing wrong with his son-in-law whatsoever.

But internally, he was starting to feel very uncomfortable. This son-in-law and his daughter had been together for so many years, yet he had never seen this son-in-law display anything even remotely close to the level of attachment and emotion he had seen him display earlier today.

Initially, he had thought this lack of emotion was due to his naturally cold personality, but the scene of this so-called indifferent son-in-law clutching Aris to his chest was still vividly fresh in his memory.

The coldly apathetic image of this future son-in-law that he had held in his mind got ruthlessly shattered. Yet he could not pick up the pieces to glue them into a new image because he still had no idea what that new image was supposed to be! Concordia city lord realized that he didn’t really know this future son-in-law! He could not understand him and had no way to explain his behavior.

Back then, when he had seen the two sons together, Cordia daddy instantly got a headache. He could already see what kind of troublesome press he’d be forced to deal with later. He had wanted to separate the two right then, but his wife and Levi’s mother vehemently protested. They even ruthlessly kicked him into the study with a united front, telling him to just worry about his work and stop worrying about the pitiful two boys who nearly lost their little lives.

He had expected such a reaction from Levi’s mother; after all, she naturally thought about what was the best for her son first and foremost. And that was definitely to be near an SS-ranked Soother. Heck, where could she get another one to help soothe her son? Concordia had only this one SS-ranked Soother, and Astarea did not have a single one!

Thus, Concordia city lord wasn’t surprised by the response he received from Levi’s mother, but it was the response of his own wife that shocked him. After prodding her for a reason several times, she retorted, “What do you know?! Levi had a nightmare this morning and accidentally destroyed half of Astar manor! Do you want the same thing to happen to our manor as well?!”

And thus… Cordia daddy sucked in a large mouthful of air, wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, and made his strategic retreat into the study. Out of sight, out of mind.

However, now that this mansion destroyer was sitting in his study, next to his baby son, Cordia daddy felt an onset of a migraine. He had a bellyful of complaints, but once he opened his mouth to voice them, he realized he didn’t know what to say.

He could only awkwardly cough and try to put in a good word for his daughter, “Don’t blame your wife-to-be for her absence. I couldn’t get through to her; she still has no idea what happened. If she knew, she’d absolutely rush straight home!”

Astar Levi only stared at him stoically. “Oh.”

Concordia city lord: “…” 〒▽〒 ‘That’s it! That’s the indifferent son-in-law I know!’

Cordia daddy side-eyed his own son, ‘…or thought I knew.’

The city lord of Concordia awkwardly cleared his throat, “Son-in-law… what… are your future plans?”

“Rest and recuperate,” Levi deadpanned.

“Where will you be resting, and for how long?”

“Here. Until I’m back to full power.”

Cordia daddy: “…” (°ー°〃)

Levi: “…” ( ̄へ ̄)

Noah: “...” (◞‸ლ)

Cordia daddy swallowed down his indignation, “Here as in…?”

‘In your son’s bedroom, in his bed,’ Levi silently stared at his father-in-law, then glanced back at Noah.

Receiving his brother-in-law’s cue, Noah interjected, “Dad, Levi will be staying here, in our manor for a while. He is working on the power rampage case, so it will be more convenient if he doesn’t have to travel to Concordia and back every day. Also, having a Soother by his side will be more conducive for his healing. We are all family, there is no need to complicate matters.”

Cordia daddy’s smile nearly cracked when he heard the manor destroyer would be staying in his own manor for the time being. He almost straight up suggested the other camp in his son’s room but caught himself before the thought could reach his mouth. It wasn’t appropriate for two adults to sleep together on the same bed. Even if they were in-laws.

But he couldn’t straight out kick his son-in-law out either.

Should he arrange another bed to be brought into his son’s room? But how would he explain it to his son? No, better yet, how would he explain it to his daughter?? No, that wouldn’t do!

Cordia city lord could only give his tacit approval. Then, wait for the two boys to leave so he could pass down instructions to arrange Levi into a room on the other side of the manor. The empty side. Where the damage would be limited.

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