
Chap 11: [WSIT?] - Doctor (3)

We rushed to the terrace, no. Divided to look everywhere, also did not find.

- Helia, go down, don't look anymore.

- What do you mean? – I seemed to have no strength left to speak, leaning slightly against the wall.

- Not that. She's down.

- We saw the extracted camera, she left the building, took a MaLin taxi, went on. We are contacting that party to ask.

- So many cars, know when to find...

People stood by the roadside waiting for the phone. It was getting dark, the street lights were starting to turn on, the mood was getting more and more gloomy.

I accidentally looked at the big clock hanging in the store opposite, turned to say to the person next to me:

- You go first.

- ...

- Here with me and everyone looking for it, without her, the market is still crowded, you can rest assured.

Hurry up, don't wait any longer! I pushed him into the driver's seat.

Ring Ring! The phone rang, I quickly picked it up.

- Baby, are you coming back soon? My friend has been waiting for my meal.

- I have an unexpected job at work, my parents keep… Huh, your friend?

- I invited you to dinner, why did you forget? The baby is waiting for you!

- Mom, let me talk to my friend...

After a few seconds, a deep female voice reached my ears:

- It's me.

I flew home, saw the other girl sitting on the table.

- I…

- Sorry, I'm so late, everyone is so hungry, we have to eat first. – I don't know which surprises me more, seeing her eating, or seeing her sitting in my house. But the most shocking thing was to see her eating in her house.

- Right, I'm late. Sit down and eat dinner. – Mother said, naturally stir in more rice.

She must have done nothing strange. I was a little embarrassed not to worry about my parents, so I went out to call the other family and told them to come pick them up in twenty minutes and then return to the table. Because we have parents, we both like to pretend to be friends. She compliments the food a lot. After eating, I said to her:

- My brother called me earlier, so I told him to come pick me up. Don't be shy and run away from home, he wants to rummage through the city looking for you.

Then I took her hand and went outside. As soon as I disappeared from the door, I lost my temper a bit:

- Why am I here? Do you know how worried people are to find you?

- Nothing, just want to try the feeling of having a family meal.

- My family is also waiting for me to have a family meal.

They're not my family.

"If they heard what I said, they would be very sad. They love me very much.

- I know. If not… – Having reached the gate, she left her sentence unfinished, crossed the street, and leaned into one of the two waiting cars. And I went to the other car, bent down and said:

- It's okay, everyone go ahead. Thank you very much today, tomorrow I wish!

Then, watching the car slowly turn to leave, I waved my hand.


I entered the house, looking at my parents who were cleaning the table, the other washing the dishes. Seeing me enter, my mother asked:

- What took you so long? I find you two unnatural. Is there something wrong?

Sensing their concern, I smiled and said:

- It's okay, Mom, because we haven't seen each other for a long time, she came without warning. Because I was angry with my lover, I remembered to visit my son, just now, my lover came to pick me up.

- But your mother is worried about something! It's really multi-sentimental, multi-sentimental, and multi-hearted! - Dad laughed.

- What's wrong, haha. Since when is she from?

- From late afternoon, when my mother came back from the market, she was standing in front of the gate. She said she called the door and no one was there. I knew right away that your father was asleep in his room and didn't listen to anything. She said she was my friend, even showed me a picture of the two of us together, said she had a date with me… But why did you say no?

- Well, we made an appointment last month, I forgot it too, so I didn't inform you in advance.

- Yes, at that time I found it a bit strange because I didn't hear what you said. Having a gentle but brave child, she also helped her mother cook rice soup and water the plants for her father.

- She didn't say anything about me?

- No, just want to see my album. I looked and didn't see anything. Ah, she seems to like her acorn a lot! Even carved its height up!

- Oh, that's right. She also seems to like the architecture of her house, so I took her for a tour. It looks a little bit, touches a little bit, just like a child! – Dad happily added.

For some reason, thinking of that strange girl wandering around my house, I first shivered towards her. Besides, how did she know my house? Why do you want to come to my house? Right from the start, why me?

- You know, sometimes I feel this world is so real. You're right, if I pay attention to what they told me about the day before, I'll gradually get the feeling that maybe it happened. Recently, waking up after dreaming about that world, I started to feel confused. Like the story of Trang Chu's dream. It is not known whether Trang Chu turns into a butterfly, or a butterfly turns into Trang Chu.

But, I don't want to forget him. I don't want to believe that all the joys and sorrows we cried when we were together were an illusion, that he never existed. That man, I clearly remember every eyelash, every eyebrow, every look, every smile, his habits, his hobbies, his pain, his gentle protection. Actually, I'm not a person who insists on right and wrong, I can trust her, forget about that world. But I don't want to forget him. Can't forget him.

She talked a lot, also cried a lot. When I looked deeply into those eyes and the tears welled up, I suddenly felt helpless. Is it possible to rekindle the emotions that have been extinguished, only to see the suffering reborn, tormenting people?

- Did you go with Luong Thanh Dang to experience her "previous life"? – A slightly harsh voice resounded above my head.

- Not what you think.

- Then how?

- You don't have to worry about this, I have my own calculations.

- Calculate what, help her return to her world, or go with her to the real world? – He said quietly.

- Trach Luong! – I shouted. He didn't say anything more, turned his head slightly. I lowered my voice:

- You're too sensitive. Believe me, there is no such thing. Go get some rest. I patted his arm, adjusting my voice.

- Sorry. – He left a sentence, sadly left.


- Why, did she run away? Twenty minutes already? – From the blanket, I woke up.

I was like running in the fog, the horizon was broken, not knowing where to go. I ended up going to Skymark first, though perhaps there was no chance for the next destination.

A place that everyone already knows is not a wise choice, but if she has an attachment to "Tung Bach", she will probably return. Anyway, she left first, even if everyone knew, they couldn't catch up.

She did come, but was stopped by the night guard, and left for ten minutes.

- What should we do now? - Someone asked impatiently.

- Split up to find buildings around here, she probably won't go any further! – said the father.

- Wait, this area is not a night street, there are definitely a lot of buildings at night that don't let strangers in. When people try to avoid buildings with security posts, they save time and effort. She came first, but not sure where to find it, we are crowded, there is still a chance. The other taxi companies often have dash cams, I'll try to contact them.

So we split up to look around the street.

When I walked up to that terrace and saw her climbing out of the empty railing, I thought we were so lucky.

- It's true that "Favorite and natural reason for mutual understanding". – Like my thought induction, she said with a smile.

Although it is a kind of fate.

- If you call someone, I'll jump right away. – Seeing the phone light up in my hand, she immediately warned.

- Bar…

- Don't say anything more, can I say it this time?

- ...

- Remember when you asked me how I felt about the family album? Actually, I didn't say it at the time.

I like to take pictures, I have a lot of photos out there, but they are all in the later stages. You know, besides Tung Bach, I have no one. Contrary to me, Tung Bach hates taking pictures, so he and I don't have many pictures. There are many other pictures of me, the people in the pictures are almost always changing. Like each group of people represents a stage of my life. Their family photos are different. Through many events, many years, even though the people in the picture have changed, grown, and aged, they are still the same. Their photos are seamless, throughout, as if they have always been and will be together for the rest of their lives.

Moreover their photos are so many. Their memories are so many. Whether it's me or not, the person in the picture is loved so much. Whether it's her or not, I don't want those photos to become a sharp spear point into the hearts of those who stay.

So I began to fear that one day I would soften my heart to this world.

Because of that, selfishly rushed to find a way to leave.

- You know, that day I left, not because I wanted to go to your house. But when I saw her house from above, I suddenly thought of something to do.

Actually, I think I've come up with an excuse to stop.

This time, no more excuses. – She took a step back, the winds in the opposite direction seemed to be like me, forming a net to push that life in.

- Did you forget, why did he begin to become so depressed that he had to commit suicide? – I heard myself say, so calm it was scary – Have you ever thought that if you commit suicide today, will your brother be no different in the future?

Her eyes seemed to darken, her whole body trembled.

- This world… is not real…

- Even if the other world is real, the other person threw himself down. And in this world, if, even if it's just a small percentage, this world is real, then my father, my mother, my younger brother, my friends, their future will know what to do how is this?

- Enough, say no more! – She shouted.

- I want to come back just to confirm that the other person is dead, but the living people here, I want to leave...

- Don't talk anymore! I do not want to hear!

- If I insisted that I took the place of "This world's stick", she would probably have taken my place, confirming it on my behalf...

- Stop it! Stop it!

- I don't understand why the brain has to create this world. Just leave me out there, no matter how hard it is to accept his death, no matter how painful it is, at some point I will be relieved. Yes, it would be better to see him die. Better to face the cruel reality. Better than wandering aimlessly between worlds, doubting yourself like this.

She said the last word, stepped back, fell back, as if sucked in by the silent black void...

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