
Ebony Rose's invite to the team

Karma Sector Chaos Nation

Ebony woke up with a start from the nightmares she had the night before. There was a horrifed look in her steel grey eyes as she suddenly sat up from her bed and wiped the sweat mixed with dirt off of her forehead  ,that was framed with her black hair that had blue streaks in it ,looking even paler than usual. These nightmares haunt her almost every night with vivid detail. The same scene, the same order every time. The pleas for her to step away and come home. The sounds of the reckless crowd. The feel of the wind with the foul stench that constantly hangs in the air of death, decay and burning flesh. Then the guards run up in their perfectly clean uniforms on Her and her parents dressed in what you may generously call rags. Then Her parents get thrown to the ground and still not pleading for their safety but for hers. Then her father shouted for her to run. As she followed her father's instructions  she heard four gunshots and then she knew. She knew those bastards shot two innocent parents only trying to talk sense into and protect their child. She knew they orphaned her and worst of all it was all her fault. 

Ebony tries to shake the thoughts and memories from her head and scanned her room as she always does. Her few fabrics laid on the floor that she calls her bed are all tossed about. All of her belongings set about are still in place. After her check she looks out a hole in the wall above her head only to see the sun hasn't even gone up yet,  knowing she isn't going to be able to get back to sleep she decides to  go check on the others in the house.  After her parents' tragic death The others in the karma sector let her keep the house due to not feeling right about kicking an orphan child to the curb like that. So Ebony decided to open up her home to the young orphans on the street  due to no real legal system in sector  she was able to just do this and she makes it a point to ensure their safety and take care of them even though the only place now a days not filled with sleeping children at night is her room she doesn't mind doing this it helps in a weird way fuel her passion for fighting for change in the sector there some kids here that only know her as any sort of caretaker as she has raised some of them from infant hood. Everybody joked that for such a hard core trouble maker she was such a huge softy. Ebony did her rounds of the house as she does every time she can't sleep or is up extremely early. Comforting ones showing signs of nightmares covering up those who kicked their blankets off in the night. Once her rounds are complete she decides to go check on some of the people around the city especially the elders she runs food for on delivery days and constantly making sure they are still alive. Though she has come to see some of them gone she can't bring herself to mourn for them. All she does is hope wherever these people go after death is better than karma sector. Ebony typically just carries the bodies to the makeshift graveyard that they have to ensure they are buried and then moves on. To her surprise there were no deaths tonight so tomorrow she knows to run supplies to them in the morning before school. Ebony spends an hour walking the streets just trying to relax and pull herself together before it is time to wake the little ones to get them ready for school. Once she gets to her front door she takes a deep breath and readys herself for the chaos that’s about to ensue. 

Ebony Rose opens the door and yells,”Wake up! Let's go, Time to  get out of bed and get to school.”

Several grumbles and even a few profane mumbles can be heard from the groggy children sluggishly getting out of bed. As the children get themselves dressed Ebony prepares several bowls of dry cereal for them and pulls out a bottle of water for each to drink. 

“It might not be much but it's all I have” She thinks to herself feeling bad that she can't put milk in the cereal because she has no place to keep it cool and there is typically no juice or much of anything else that gets delivered to the sector. 

Soon all the kids are up and about in a whirlwind of getting school supplies and homework together, a couple of them rough housing and just being kids. After a few minutes of this all the kids rush into the kitchen and grab their breakfasts all being sure to thank Ebony as they whiz by to find a place to sit and eat. Soon her and all of the kids rush off to school together. 

As they get to school the kids rush off to go play with their various friends before having to go to class and Ebony approaches the group of friends that had gathered around a table in the middle of the courtyard. 

“Hey guys what's up?” Ebony asked as she approached them. 

“Not much, just another hair brained scheme from Frankie.” Replied Ebony's friend Raph

“Hey it's a perfectly good idea to help take more of the guards down during our next protest” Frankie snipily replied. 

“I just think you're trying to beat Ebony’s record again.” Raph prodded back.

“Well maybe her numbers are legendary. She dwarfed Elisha’s number and that is no small feat. He had about a hundred twenty-five and Ebony is now up two hundred so maybe yes I would like to get my numbers up there a bit.” Frankie replied

“Well Frankie you're going to have to wait. There are still a few of us who haven't recovered from the last one and we need all the numbers we can get for these.” Ebony replied matter of factly. 

Frankie gives a huff but before he could say anything more the bell rings and everyone heads off to class.

After school was over Ebony went to her favorite Alleyway to hang out at, grateful that today was Graduation day she no longer had to see inside that place ever again. They never threw any sort of ceremony or party for graduation because the school was pretty much a joke and everybody knew it. It was built there as an half-assed effort to clear the conscience of the other nations from the fact that they condemned innocent children to this horrid sector under such poor living conditions. Only one of us out of this graduating class will ever have a chance to  make anything of themselves and that would be the supreme leader's pick for his special teams and Ebony doubted she would be chosen. All she ever did was cause problems and beat up on his men whenever she got the chance to. Though she did this to try and bring attention the the fact that things here are so horrid we are willing to continuously be taken down by the guards in whatever fashion they chose to. She knows it probably still hopeless though as the other nations will probably just spin it as another criminal acting up and nobody will truly pay attention to the kick ass black with light blues streaks haired 5ft 6in tall skinny girl that can take down multiple guards at once. She accepts she will probably be stuck in the hell hole she is in till she is old and grey having to use a tree branch for a cane and still kicking the guards ass regardless.  She just knows she just can't sit back and not try to do at least something for the other kids here to have hope for a better future and life than she has had so far. 

As Ebony sits in the Alleyway lost in thought a silhouette of what looks like a child running her way catches her eye. This either means one of the children just wants to try and get her to play a game with her or guards are coming this way looking for trouble. Ebony waits for a few moments hoping they just want to play a game but her ears were met with the sounds of the child yelling. 

“Guards are on their way here” A little girl's voice called out. 

Ebony readies herself for a confrontation with them. 

“They're looking for you” The girl calls out. 

Ebony is taken by shock for a moment then assumes the worst. That they have finally come to try and end her. It wouldn't be the first time they have done such a thing. A few years ago there was this guy who had raised some hell and refused to stop and the press was giving the guards a bad name for not subduing him sooner and so they ganged up on him armed to the teeth and savagely murdered him. 

“Tell them I'll be right there,” Ebony called back to her. 

The girl stops dead in her tracks and turns back around to deliver the message to the guards. 

Ebony Takes a deep breath

“Well even if they kill me now at least I won't have to spend anymore time in this place and maybe I'll see my parents on the other side but I'll go down fighting” Ebony said to herself as she walked down the Alleyway towards where the lil girl was running back to. 

It didn't take long before Ebony and the Approaching guards met face to face. There were several of them standing in formation with one guy Ebony immediately recognized as none other than Captain Fray. This pretty much set it as a definite they intended for her to die today considering he only shows for official business from the Supreme Leader himself or when trying to save face for his battalion of Guards. 

“Do I even have to ask i know you're Ebony Rose you've made such a name for yourself here that it's hard to not recognize you” Captain Fray said coldly

“I assume that name for myself I've made has finally caused you so much trouble you're here to deal with me as you did the last guy who raised some hell here.” Ebony  replied with a slightly amused tone.

“Actually….”,is all Captain Fay got out of his mouth before Ebony's elbow met his Jaw. 

The guards Quickly started surrounding Ebony and prepared to take her on. Before anyone could act Captain Fay put his hand up to stop them. Ebony looked confused by this already having her mind set on them trying to kill her yet the Captain stopped them. 

“If you let me finish I was going to say we are not here to kill you I don't have a death wish and as far as I understand it facing you with so few guards would probably be just that. We are here on other business.” Captain Fray spat out. 

“Really what other business would you have with me and what makes you think I'm interested in anything to do with you.” Ebony replied bitterly 

“Well I am only a messenger on this one The Supreme Leader Sir Philoneous Eletrish has personally summoned you to join one of his special teams. For some reason he sees a low life filthy orphan like you as qualified to join his ranks.” Captain Fray replied

“Why do I feel like this is a set up? I highly doubt the Supreme Leader would want anything to do with me. Also funny you of all people mention me being an orphan whose hand wrongfully caused that or maybe  that detail has seemed to escape you.” Ebony replied. 

“You know damn well it was me and It wasn't wrongful they had assaulted me and since you're so quick to remind me of this, Who was it they were protecting because she was somewhere they told her not to go? Oh right that was you. If you wouldn't have been at the rally when you were told not to be they would still be alive.” Captain Fray replied. 

“OH you son of a bitch…..” Was all she got out before a deep voice came from behind the crew the captain had brought with him. 

“So disappointed to see a captain of one of my guards talk in such ways to one of the people I chose to be on my special team.” Said the voice from the back. 

At that moment every Guard spun around and Immediately dropped to one knee except Captain Fray whose face went from Beat red with anger to ghost white in a matter of Seconds. 

“What Captain, you're not even showing your Supreme  Leader respect anymore. Allowing yourself to disrespect others is a very slippery slope.” The voice had continued. 

Immediately Captain Fray had turned around only to see none other than Sir Eletrish He quickly dropped to one knee. 

“Sir I… I was just…. I wasn't expecting you to be here...I..I..” Captain Fray stammered 

“Well I wanted to personally make sure this lovely young lady made it to me unharmed and alive and with the rumors of an incident A few years back I figured I'd better oversee this myself and Luckily I came when I did thanks to directions from a little girl.” Sir Eletrish replied 

“Sir those were just rumors…I...I..” Craptain Fray started to stammer.

“Save your breath you just admitted to all of it being true and to another two murders just as I had walked up. I have no choice but to automatically find you guilty of Three murders and Sentence you to serve life here in the Karma district. You are stripped of all your rank and power and are nothing more than a prisoner.” Sir Eletrish pauses for a moment and looks to the surrounding guards. “Since you're already here and  now officially not on any business you are stuck here unable to retrieve any personal effects and these nice gentlemen will be ensuring that all Nation and officially issued items are confiscated from you.” 

Captain Fray goes ghost white realizing what this all means. And starts to try to beg. “Sir. you can't be serious all i have is officially issued stuff on me. That means…… I’d be forever….Naked….you can't be that cruel to leave me naked with nothing with all these criminals who hate me can you.?” Captain Fray whined with legitimate  tears in his eyes

Instead of directly responding to Fray's question he looked at the guards.

“I gave orders now follow them” Sir Eletrish said with a snap 

The other guards jumped to and started in a frenzy fighting the now ex captain's clothes off. As this was going on Sir Eletrish getestured for Ebony to follow him. Ebony, not really liking the idea of following the guy she's been a headache to  for most her life, took a look at the frenzied guards and decided it was better than sticking around for Fray to be stripped in front of her so she followed him. As they walked down the alleyway and headed to the main square several people started to follow them most of them being of Ebony's age or younger. She recognized all of their faces and all of them were right behind Sir. Eletrish and her. Even when the guards caught up with them to try to escort them the crowd refused to let them get in between Sir. Eletrish,Ebony and them. We soon hit the main square of the sector and parked smack dab in the middle of it was an elaborate carriage  with none other than the last person that was recruited from the Krama sector, the great Elisha himself next to it walking up to them.

“Why did you have to go and break my record?” Elisha called out  with a smile

“Just to annoy you because you had to go and set it in the first place” Ebony replied

“Good to see you again Brat.” Elisha stated

“Nice to see you too Ass.” Ebony said as they both shared a quick laugh.   

as they got to the center of the main Square. Sir Eletrish stopped suddenly and Turned to the crowd. 

“ Gather around People of Karma sector. I wish to personally address you all.” He Called out.


 The people that had gathered encircled Ebony, Sir Eletrish, and Elisha still not letting the guards through that were still trying with all their might to enclose the Supreme leader for protection.  

“Now I know that the kingdom has done all of you a great injustice. You live in poor conditions and are definitely not treated with the respect and dignity many of you deserve. I know so many of you now are not criminals and just happened to be born here and with the views of the other nations and even your own sister sector there has not been any luxuris afforded to you. Now admittedly looking at it from your point of view you have every right to strike me down right here and now but in the few years I've been in charge I have had to struggle to gain the trust of those who have the power to stop anything I do and now that I have gotten that trust I am ready to start making great changes around here. My first change is that I fired and Charged now ex Captain Fray with three counts of murder and sentenced him here with no chance to recover any of his belongings so for now I have one of my best Special team members and a Karma sector native Elisha in charge of the Karma sector Guards until we can find someone who is suited to be captain again and him and your sector leader will be working closely to motivate your leader to speak up for the people here or see if a more fit leader might need to takes his place. Next we will open a live in day care for all of the orphans that will no longer have anyone to take care of them while Ebony is running missions as a most valued member of my special teams. Now I must say this young woman has been a great influence on this sector. I for one have never seen so many people credit one person with so much change and bring people who are thought to be savage and insane together. This is actually the first year ever that every young adult in a graduating class wrote why one person deserved to be selected as one of my special team members instead of everyone writing for themselves.” Sir Eletrish Announced 

Ebony had a look of shock on her face as the crowd had let out various sounds and yells of approval during the Supreme leader's speech. She never would have imagined so many of these people were so moved and touched by her and trusted her so much that they would give up their only chance to make something of themselves just to put her in a position to try and make a change. 

“As I know I'm taking a valued member of your sector away from you for now just know I am personally committed to working with her and Elisha to ensure that things change and get better around here. With those final words I want to give Ebony a chance for a few parting words before we make the long trip  to the central kingdom.” Sir Eletresh Called out. 

 The crowd lets out a huge cheer and funny enough the woman who usually has so much to say on everything found herself on the spot with nothing to come to mind desperately racking her brain for even a start before the cheer stops and the spotlight is on her and finally she struck the right start and she decided from there she would just let everything come out from there.

As soon as the crowd died down Ebony put on that winning smile everyone was so used to seeing on her face the very same one that led protest after protest riot after riot and seems that it inspired everyone here in some way or another and then she began to speak. “I am so overwhelmed with all this I honestly thought you guys finally found a way to shut me up. I am so grateful for all of you to trust me so much that you put your lives in my hand and trust me I do not take this responsibility lightly and I will make sure that the Supreme Leader makes good on his word or I'll annoy him with the persistence that has lead me right to this very spot. I am so proud of the sector we have become and I hope things stay the way they are with all of us helping each other survive and make the best out of what ever we are dealt. I may be going on to better opportunities but just know there will never be a place I'll call home other than here and there will never be a time I will not be proud of the fact I am from the best sector in the world. Never doubt we are the best, we've been dealt shit cards all of our lives with no hope of change or any relief yet we have survived, we have a strength to us no other nation will ever know and for that I thank you for allowing me to leave a legacy and a whole new cultural view in your hearts and minds. So I leave you with these final words, no matter how tough it gets and no matter how low we seem to be pierced. We will only make things better by working together. Our strength is in our numbers and kindness to each other. Never forget that.” Ebony Yelled out to a crowd who went absolutely wild with applause and many different shouts of approval.

With having said all of that Ebony takes a bow and then hopes in the Carriage shortly followed by Sir. Eletrish and with a nod of approval from Elisha,  they start heading out of the Karma sector and on to Ebony's next adventure.    

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