

Chapter 58

Sophia sat down at the table as he began to serve her all the favorites that she had said she liked before on the many times they had gone to this one restaurant. He was good with details like that. The man in front of her knew that he could handle just about anything when it came to a boardroom or running a huge company, but a life with his wife was never going to be really easy for him.

That is why he knew that he needed a strong woman to be there. Sophia was that. She was the one he needed, and he knew that he had to have the type of woman he was used to when he was growing up. He would never be able to deal with a wish-washy type of woman who always let him chose or have what he wanted. He needed someone he knew he could leave in charge and that would be able to handle everything that needed to be.

Sophia was that to him. He could trust her in everything.

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