
Chapter 6- Embarrassment

After I got out of Mansyon, I rented a condo where my best friend Georgina lived nearby, and she's always been my friend ever since. It's only good to have to leave the other unit that I occupy immediately.

"What? Girl? I told you when you're still doing that, mommy and evil witches sister. You don't listen to me. That's what you brought." I don't really want to be here because it hurts me.

"Girl, you know what I'm talking about," she said.

"Yes, and you're talking to that crap witch girl, huh. Just look at it! And I'm so happy," said her friend, who is always happy with her.

I put my clothes in the cabinet, and I separate the dress, pants, shorts, mini-skirt, and undergarments in various drawers. Not enough space from the other; I stopped. When I get tired, I get stuck in bed. My room is relatively small compared to the mansion. As a matter of fact, I have no choice but to accept it. As long as I have to stay at home and just arrange for me. Now that I no longer need an affordable home in this state of my life, I can no longer afford to buy affordable equipment. Only my salary is what I expect from my daily expenses. If I were myself, I would think I had bills to think about. Haixt!!

As I was lying on the roof of the shed, suddenly my dad came into my mind. "Is he so okay, now? Haixt! It's a long way from Mansion and my hospital where her daddy is. That's when she called Paulina. She dialed Paulina's number and answered immediately. "Hello! Paulina, I don't really get to talk to Dad today. I need to go," she told the secretary when her dad was a friend of her.

"Say, I guess I heard what happened at the mansion. Where are you now?" It's a question.

"Hmmm! I rented the condo. Where did you know?" She's a curious question.

"I see, but your evil witched sister. Referring to Mary, she's now the new director of MGC after you, nor does she know how to run a business. She's a fool until design knows it can't be applied." She was even more affected by the expulsion of the mother-in-law of Mary from the mansion.

"Let's just let her go, Paulina. Anyway, thank you very much. She said, "I don't know what I'm doing, but I can't do it." She said that she's not going to be able to do it. She knew her mom was watching her daddy, so she wouldn't be able to get any closer.

"Yes, Mary. Are you still stronger than I am? I'm going to go to MGC, and I'll tell you what I've done there," she said.

"Say, Paulina, and maybe tomorrow I'll be able to enter it," she said.

And she was off her cell phone on the side. She rested first for later, when she wished to fix her stock as well. She was tired, but, on the other hand, she was happy and freed from her mommy, who was physically and emotionally abused. Until somewhere she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

When she woke up after 5 p.m. and she hadn't cooked her dinner yet. He doesn't even know I'm here to eat Georgina again. So he got up to prepare food. When she smelled good food and tasted it, she saw Georgina cooking. I asked her why she was a friend. "You're here now; don't you go to your unit first?" was my question, and I'm a bit groggy yet because I'm just sleeping and not yet in the mood of my mind.

"Sligthly, girl, there's a meeting with the bosses, so we started out early. Anyway, have you eaten?" It's a question.

I'm just asking for something else. "Not yet, and I'm just going to be here. You're good here, and I don't have to cook anymore."

"Yes, you're going to sit there, girl. You know that wings barbeque flavor I made. I just saw it on my favorite chef vlogger. These are the tipid and easy tips for her content. You're not going to be hungry too much because it's an idea for food." So I pulled off a wing and chopped out the straw she was cooking like she was. When I heard it, I was sick of it, and I was just right to be sick. It is also not spread out, and barbecue barbers really.

"Oh! What will you say to my cooking girl?" she asked.

"Good, and you can get married now." she added.

"Hmmm! She deep sigh, before she answered it. " I don't know. Maybe, I'm not ready, girl."

"How about you, girl??" Maria asked her.

"Come on! As soon as I get ready, I'm just going to have to settle down. I just want the rich man so that I'm no longer get a job anymore," she replied, and I didn't know if she was joking.

"Stop the drama. We're going to eat what you're cooking," I said.

"Secret." she added.

"Okay," she agreed.

When we had a dinner, she had a lot of stories about her work and how she seemed to have become a company owner. If you command me, I'll tell you who I am. I was just laughing at his stories. She's a very bubbly person, which I can't just do. I grew up with a serious life. We don't have an office, so I sometimes think that my life with my family is very boring.

When we had dinner, I was tired, and I felt like she was still washing the dish. After I did my work, I entered the room and slept.


I'm going to enter the MGC building. "W- What does that mean?" She was shocked when she saw many people around.

"Maria, you are no longer entering here, inside the MGC building and that is my order." her sister said.

"W-What? Whoever said that I was not allowed to enter our own company?" I asked a question because they don't really care about me.

And when I heard her voice, she said, "Mom, why shouldn't I enter here? Didn't you be removed from Mansion today here in MGC? There's no right to put your feet down here. You're a thief; you're defending the MGC. I don't wanna see your face anymore. The field of your creation." I shouted so loudly that the staff surrounded me and became very attentive to them.

"It's not true; you're just lying. I didn't steal any money that came from the company budget. I swear!!" I speak to defend myself suddenly. "Ouch!" I've seen a lot of people stumbling on me. And when I saw who was standing on me, there was none other than Mary, who was always Mommy sides. Her favorite daughter.

"Didn't you hear what Mommy said? Get out of our lives, thief!".

"No, I'm not; bring you what you said." I came here, and I was ready to talk to her.

"And why would I reject what I said? You're a real thief." her Mom shouted. And some people heard it and started to ask others.

"Will Ma'am Maria be a thief?"

"She stole money from the company. She's got a lot of trouble."

It's just how much she's been hearing from the people there to make herself wise. Until then, she had pulled Mary's hair and hold it. "Mommy, help. Ouch my hair." She spoke her tongue until her bodyguards caught her and drove her away from here.

"Take it out of this garbage wherever she belong. And I don't want to see the woman who's making it around here." She urged the man to be in the guards and staff as well. Mary didn't do anything when she wrapped her as a look a bag of rice with the man and took it away from her own company.

"Don't go back there if you don't want to get hurt. Understand!" the man shouted out loud. Maria walked down in the street and started to cry out loud and went back to the park where she was left. She took away from herself everything that they had taken from her. Now she has no job. "How am I now?" She stumbled and smelled deeper than she could possibly have.

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