

"Welcome sir!" a man in his early forties rushed to Damon and Roman hastily with his staff behind him, "we had just been waiting for your arrival. Your guests have already arrived in the private room. Let me show you the way."

The biggest club in the New York City, 'Golden Tulip' was aware of Alpha Damon's influence on the people, be it human or werewolves. He was the one whose words were written in the rule book without a word of question and carried out immediately. No one could dare to deny him in any given circumstance or raise their voice against his any decision. The owner of the club had specifically called the club staff and informed them of Alpha Damon's arrival. All of them had to rush to make sure that everything was perfect and according to his acceptance before he comes here. None of them could afford to offend him as he had the power to wipe out a whole group of corp

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Comments (5)
goodnovel comment avatar
So glad Alina got what she deserved. He should’ve listened to Bella.
goodnovel comment avatar
Amanda King
I can honestly say they all had it coming but now I gotta wonder just who is responsible for the killings? Could Bella have a part in the killings? It would make sense after all that she would want to take revenge on those responsible for her packs Demise
goodnovel comment avatar
Yea..that women that Damon put first, that women that Damon kept around, that women that Damon was going to marry, that women took part in destroying Bella. And not once did Damon listen to Bella when she cried and begged him. 

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