
Chapter 94

Previously, he sold her to Dinh Quan, now he cooperates with others to kidnap her to threaten Dinh Quan, a person like him really wants to do anything.

And presently, below, Dinh Quan was as surprised as Tinh Ngoc and stared at the person standing in front of him.

He asked mockingly.

"Are you the person that Pham Thai Hung sent?"

Tran Tam slightly avoided his eyes, he just said.

"You just need to give me what he needs and Tinh Ngoc will be safe."

After many years of fighting in the marketplace, Dinh Quan can confidently say that he has encountered countless despicable tricks, but Dinh Quan still cannot imagine how a father could sell his daughter out time and again. He himself also has a father who loves him and protects him with all his might, but Tinh Ngoc is not so lucky. Her father had always viewed her as a commodity to be exchanged for gain, this time also collaborating with the enemy to harm her.

Dinh Quan looked at Tran Tam and said a sentence from the bottom of his heart.

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