
Chapter 45: Rage

Scar's POV

I paced back and forth anxiously as Hermes spoke urgently into his phone outside. He was calling Sage to see if she knew anything about Len's sudden disappearance.

My gut twisted just thinking about Len being missing. After searching for hours, it was clear she was no longer in town. But why would she just vanish without explanation?

A hundred paranoid theories raced through my mind. Had she been kidnapped by Fox's men as retaliation? Or threatened into leaving? Or did she choose to run away...from me?

I gnawed my lip in anguish. Things between Len and I had been going so well lately. We were happy, in love. Why would she abandon what we shared without a word? None of this made sense.

Just then Hermes reentered, his grave expression confirming my worst fears before he even spoke. "She's not with Sage," he reported grimly. "It seems Len left of her own accord."

I raked my hands through my hair, exhaling harshly. "Maybe she's still in town, just gone into hiding? We have to k
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