
Chapter 62: Cold Shoulder

Lena's POV

I awoke feeling troubled after the unpleasantness with Frost the night before. His severe reaction had been so unlike the patient kindness he had shown me previously. I knew his overprotectiveness came from care for Freya, yet it still rankled.

Rising slowly, I decided to seek him out and appeal to his reason today if he was receptive. Last night's harsh words could not stand between us if we were to build trust. I would remain calm but firm that his sister deserved happiness, and I autonomy.

After washing and dressing warmly, I headed downstairs only to be intercepted by a maid informing me the commander had summoned me to the training grounds after I my breakfast.

My nerves fluttered anxiously, unsure what Frost had planned. But I steeled myself and made my way to meet him. I found Frost examining the racks of practice weapons with flinty eyes. At my approach, he turned, expression unreadable.

"Lena. Let us begin your archery lesson." He gestured curtly for me to choose
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