
Chapter 11: Accepting my Fate

Stella was waiting for what their Alpha Raven would say. She was looking at him intensely until he smiled at her, "We decided to let both of you live under the same roof!" Alpha Raven said, which made Stella stand up from the couch.

"No! Why should I do that?" Stella said, and Remus held her arm. "I will talk to her, Alpha Raven!" Remus said, and they went outside the house. They stopped in the garden, and Stella removed her father's hand from her arm. "What did you do there, huh?" Remus asked his daughter, and Stella shook her head in disbelief. "Can you hear what you are saying?" Stella asked him and started walking back and forth.

"We just want to see if you are compatible with him." Remus answered, and Stella looked at him while smirking. "Why can you do that to me, huh? I am still your daughter!" Stella told him, and Remus stopped her from walking. "That's the only thing you can do for our family, Stella. You are not like your sister, Daisha has a bright future in front of her and you don't have anything." Remus answered, which made Stella surprised at what he said. "Gosh! I can't imagine that I am hearing those words from you!" Stella said while glaring at her father.

"We need to go back inside and apologise to Alpha Raven. Just accept our decision, Stella!" Remus said and started walking towards the house. Stella couldn't believe that her father could do that to her. She shook her head in disbelief and followed her father.

Stella reached the living room and saw them waiting for her. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier, Alpha Raven." Stella said, and Alpha Raven nodded his head. "I know that you are shocked at what I said and I want to know your answer, Stella!" Alpha Raven said, and Stella sat again in front of them. "I will accept your decision, Alpha Raven!" Stella answered, and Alpha Raven smiled at her. "That is good to hear!"Alpha Raven answered, and Stella didn't have a choice but to follow what they wanted.

"We have another house and that's where you will live with Brandon." Alpha Raven said and told them everything they needed to know. Stella went out of the house after hearing the news from their alpha. She was walking in the garden when she saw Brandon. "Are you fine with their decision?" Stella asked him, and Brandon looked at her. "I am just like you, I don't have any choice about that!" Brandon answered, and Stella shook her head in disbelief.

She walked away from Brandon because she didn't want to stay with him. They decided to go home and while her father was driving, Stella opened the window to get some air. "It is just for two months, Stella!" Remus told her, and Stella just nodded her head. "That's what Alpha Raven said earlier!" Stella answered and they reached their house.

Stella went directly to her room while Remus was watching her daughter leave. "What happened?" Daisha appeared and looked at her father. "Alpha Raven wants Stella to stay with her mate for two months." Remus answered, which made Daisha startled. "Just the two of them?" Daisha asked her father, "Yeah! I just agreed with Alpha Raven's decision." Remus answered, and Daisha nodded her head.

Daisha walked towards her room and locked the door. It was already midnight when Stella left her room. "Why don't you tell them that you don't want their idea?" Daisha appeared, and Stella looked at her. "Do you think I have a choice?" Stella asked her, and Daisha smirked at her. "Then go away and leave our pack!" Daisha said, and Stella looked at her seriously.

"What the heck are you saying?" Stella asked her, and Daisha went in front of her. "Think about it, Stella!" Daisha answered and walked away. Stella watched how her sister left her, she shook her head in disbelief and went to the kitchen.

She got herself food because she was hungry after crying for a long time. She was eating alone until her father left his room. "Why are you eating late?" Remus asked his daughter, and Stella just looked at him. "Because I didn't want to eat with you!" Stella answered, and Remus nodded his head.

"Fine, do what you want because you will leave this house next week." Remus told her, and Stella glared at her father. "You don't need to tell me that again." Stella answered, and Remus walked away.

After eating her late dinner, Stella went back to her room and went to sleep. She woke up and saw her sister in the living room. When she looked at Daisha, she saw that Daisha was going to tell her something. "Don't start, please!" Stella told her sister, and Daisha glared at her. "Think about what I told you last night." Daisha said and walked away. Stella couldn't believe that her sister was turning like her father.

Stella was thinking if she did something wrong to her sister to make Daisha act like that. She wanted some time to think so she went to the woods. A quiet place welcomed her and she reached the spot where she used to stay.

Stella put the mat down and sat on it. She was looking around to check if she was alone. She took a deep breath and looked at the sky. "It has been a rough day, Mommy! I am still wishing that you are here. Why did you leave me with that kind of father?" Stella said while looking into the sky. She didn't realise that she was crying until tears fell from her eyes.

"Should I do what Daisha told me to do?" Stella said and thought about what Daisha told her. "Should I leave?" She added, "You will just make your life worse!" She was startled when Brandon approached her. "What are you doing here?" Stella asked her and stood up from the mat. "My father wants me to check on you so that is the reason why I am here!" Brandon answered and sat on the mat.

Stella moved away from him, and Brandon didn't mind it all. "I am fine, Brandon! You can leave now." Stella told him but Brandon remained sitting on the mat. "I just want to stay here for a bit." Brandon answered, and Stella immediately shook her head. "Just go to another part of the woods." Stella told him, but Brandon shook his head. "I want here!" Brandon answered, and Stella smirked at him. "Why?" Stella asked him, "Because of this mat!" Brandon answered while pointing out the mat.

Stella couldn't do anything so she just let Brandon stay there. She didn't talk to him and just looked around. "Next week we will live under the same roof." Brandon told her, and Stella immediately looked at him. "I'm trying to forget that thought, Brandon. That is the reason why I am here!" Stella told him, and Brandon smiled at her. "But you can't run from their decision." Brandon told her, and Stella rolled her eyes at him.

"Well, I can run away!" Stella answered, and Brandon smirked at her. "They will do everything to find you." Brandon answered and stood up from the mat. "Nah, maybe my Dad will pursue my sister to marry you instead." Stella answered, and Brandon looked at her. "Can you do that?" Brandon asked her seriously.

Stella was looking at him seriously when Brandon smiled at her. "Just kidding, don't do stupid things. I'm leaving now!" Brandon told her and walked away. Stella was watching his back and shook her head in disbelief.

When dark came, Stella decided to go home. She was carrying the mat when she entered their house. "Where did you go?" Remus asked his daughter when Stella came inside their house. "My favourite spot!" Stella answered and put the mat back in its place. "You need to eat with us tonight!" Remus told her, and Stella looked at him. "Why should I do that?" Stella asked him, "You can't do that to your mate, Stella!" Remus warned her, and Stella nodded her head.

"I know that!" Stella answered and went inside her room. She took a bath and after that, she was drying her hair so she could sleep right away. She lay on her bed and went to sleep.

A couple of days passed, and Stella got the news that Flora came home. She excitedly went to their house and saw Flora right away. She ran towards her and hugged Flora tightly. "Wow! You miss me a lot, huh?" Flora asked her, and Stella nodded her head. "Of course, how was your vacation?" Stella asked her, "Let's go to the garden!" Flora told her, and they walked towards the garden.

They reached the bench and that's when they sat there. "What happened to you and your mate while I was gone?" Flora asked her, and Stella rolled her eyes at her. "Yeah, they decided something that I didn't want to do." Stella answered, and Flora looked at her seriously. "What is it?" Flora asked her, "They want me to live with Brandon." Stella answered.

"What the heck! Is that for real?" Flora asked her, and Stella nodded her head. "For how long?" Flora asked her again. "Two freaking months!" Stella answered, which made Flora laugh at her. "Dang! Your father approved that?" Flora asked her, "Of course, he decided that with Alpha Raven ." Stella answered, and Flora hugged her tightly.

"Just survive those two months, Stella! If it doesn't work, maybe they will not force you to marry him." Flora told her, and Stella nodded her head. "I hope so!" Stella answered and decided to go home.

She was walking back to their house when she decided to buy something in the convenience store. She was looking for some snacks that she would eat every midnight. "Is this all?" The cashier asked her, and she nodded her head. "I will pay for that!" Sky appeared and gave his card to the cashier. "Hey! You don't need to do that!" Stella told him, and Sky just smiled at her.

Sky was helping her to carry her groceries until they reached Stella's house. "Give me all of that, I know my father will get mad at you if he sees you here." Stella told him, but Sky refused to give her the groceries. "I am fine with that!" Sky answered and started walking towards the main door.

Stella didn't have a choice but to open it so they could go inside. "You can stay here. Do you want anything to drink?" Stella asked him, but Sky shook his head. "I am fine!" Sky answered and looked around.

Stella went to her room to put the groceries she bought earlier. She went back to the living room and saw Sky talking to her sister. "She's here!" Daisha said and looked at Stella.

"I didn't know that you would come home early." Stella told her sister, and Daisha smiled at her. "Why? You didn't want me to see your visitor?" Daisha whispered to her, and Stella rolled her eyes at her sister. "Don't start!" Stella warned her and smiled at her.

Daisha went to her room and left them in the living room. "What did she tell you?" Stella asked him as soon as she sat beside Sky. "Your sister? Nothing serious!" Sky answered, and Stella nodded her head.

Sky decided to go home after staying for a couple of minutes there. Stella accompanied him to the main door. "Go home safely!" Stella told him, and Sky smiled at her. "Thank you!" Sky answered and walked away.

Stella went back inside their house and walked directly to her room. She was cleaning her room when someone knocked on the door. She opened the door and saw her sister there.

"Did you think about it?" Daisha asked her, and Stella nodded her head. "I will accept their decision!" Stella answered, and Daisha looked at her sister seriously. "Good to hear that!" Daisha said and walked away.

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