
Chapter 6 - A father's love.

Victor’s POV

I watched the wolf approach and sighed. He was the spitting image of his father. As he shifted into human form, I could see more of his mother in him. I couldn’t help the sudden urge to tell the young man to cover up and that I hoped he didn’t walk around naked in front of my daughter, but I held back. I was about to break all royal protocol but I didn’t give a damn!

“Where is my daughter?” I hissed. I didn’t even know if she would recognize me, but that didn’t matter. I had to see for myself that she was okay.

“She’s safe.” The young man crossed his arms over his chest and smiled. “The king and I have an agreement and as long as you bloodsuckers stay off my land, she will remain safe.” He was arrogant to the point where I would actually enjoy draining him! But the ancient made sure that vampires couldn’t feed on werewolves! Hence the need for the dhampir guard. A vampire couldn’t drink the blood of a werewolf because it was poisonous to us. Sadly, the ancient never anticipated that his precious beasts could turn on us. Their bite is enough to kill one of us! Enter the dhampir guard who, for some reason, is immune to a werewolf bite.

“I don’t trust you beast!” I could feel my fangs protruding but the little mutt didn’t move. He stood firm and smiled.

“I don’t care. I need to think about my people. I can’t allow you onto my territory.” I realized that he was playing for time and as I started to scan the surrounding forest, I could feel them moving in. His soldiers had slowly started to surround me, and if I decided to be difficult, they would attack. The young man sighed since I wasn’t leaving and finally agreed to show her to me, but it wasn’t what I expected. We exited the forest and immediately turned to the right. He stepped into a small building and seconds later waved for me to come in.

As I stepped inside, I could see my darling daughter on a monitor. She was healthy and unharmed. I watched as she stood up and walked over to the door and heard as she demanded to be fed. I almost told the wolf that she did not feed on blood, but stopped myself just in time. I wanted to see what they would do and if they would give her blood. I was also curious if she would actually drink it.

“Okay, you’ve seen her. Now leave.” He softly growled and my eyes flashed in anger. In my haste, I hadn’t thought about the disadvantages of coming here alone. I would be able to take a couple of them with me when I went down, but they would win at the end of the day. I nodded and disappeared back into the forest.

Fynn’s POV

Something about her father was completely different from her grandfather. Viktoria’s grandfather was always the king and arrived with a small guard to protect him, whereas her father went there alone. I could imagine how he must be feeling, seeing the actual worry in his eyes. So, vampires can actually feel love? Was that something I could exploit to get what we wanted at the end of the day? We weren’t asking for more than what was owed to us. We just wanted to be treated with respect. Treated as equals. Some of my people wanted revenge on their ancestors, but mostly my people just wanted to live in peace.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t entirely sure how all of that would change when my pack found out that the princess was my mate.

Viktoria’s POV

The door opened and the wolf brought a tray into the room. On it was some human food and to the left was a blood bag which almost made me laugh. I found it interesting that they didn’t know as much about dhampirs as Fynn would make me think. I looked at the bag as I grabbed one of the sandwiches and a smile crossed my face. I put the sandwich down and grabbed the blood bag. Wondering only for a second before dumping the contents down the drain. I followed it up with some soap to cover the scent of the blood and put the bag neatly back onto the tray before grabbing the sandwich again.

If that warrior saw this, I knew he would be more careful and if he was anything like I read in our history books, word would spread that I am sustained by both food and blood. Hey, these beasts had to pay for what they did to me somehow and, if that meant, I had to scare them with little things like an empty blood bag. I would do it!

When he collected the tray, his eyes popped and I had to stop myself from laughing out loud. After he left, I walked around the room going through the cupboard to look for anything I could use as a weapon, but there was nothing. I wished that I had one of those ancient books with me, so I could at least keep busy while I was locked away in my damn tower! In the end, I had no other choice but to lie down on the bed and wait.

Fynn’s POV

She looked like a princess when she slept. Her black hair was splayed out behind her almost like a blanket covering her back. Her lips tinted just the right amount of natural red and her beautifully long lashes just kissed her skin.

“Wow! You should have become a poet my friend.” My beta laughed through the mind link and I rolled my eyes. I had to remember to block everybody when I was near her!

“Hey! What are you staring at?” I teased him as I caught him frowning at her. He grinned and turned to leave her room, but not before giving me a little bit of interesting information.

“She ate and drank blood.” He turned around and lifted an eyebrow before leaving her room. Well, well, well. The princess drank blood. According to the information we had, dhampirs were basically humans with some superpowers. Almost like witches, but they sure as hell didn’t drink blood like vampires! She stirred and I quickly rushed to take a seat in the corner. I couldn’t afford for her to catch me staring! That would just be rude!

“Hi,” She yawned and stretched as she sat up in bed and I found it adorable the way she rubbed her eyes and smacked her lips before glaring at me.

“Hi, did you have a nice nap?” I tilted my head to one side as she shook her head.

“No, this bed is too soft and the bedding smells like a wet dog.” She grinned and I felt relieved. If she was making jokes, she couldn’t be that unhappy here, could she? I felt a little spark of hope flicker that I might even convince her to stay with me.

“I will see what we can do about that. Maybe I can arrange for them to put a blanket on the floor for you and remove the bed.” I winked as I got up and before she could say another word, I told her we were going to the library.

Viktoria’s POV

I was slowly growing to love this guy and hate him at the same time. He was funny even if I didn’t want to admit it. The strange thing was that it almost felt as if he was reading my mind. When he informed me we were going to the library, I wondered about it for a moment, then it hit me. They probably had cameras in my damn room! It’s what I would have done if we had a dangerous prisoner walking about the castle! I wondered if they saw me pouring out the blood in the basin, but it didn’t seem as if they did. Which made me wonder more about this wolf. Did the beasts have powers we didn’t know about, like telepathy?

“I thought you would find it interesting to read about our real history.” His voice pierced my thoughts and I nodded.

“I was actually going to ask if I could take one or two of these to my room. If you are going to keep me locked up all the time, I would like to have something to keep busy with.” I walked down the shelf letting my fingers glide just above the backs of the old books.

“That’s not what I’m doing if your …” His eyes grew wide as if he had just stopped himself from saying something he shouldn’t. “I will arrange that the guard brings you to the library whenever you want.” He frowned and stuffed his hands into his pockets. I picked a book and walked over to a desk with four chairs around it.

“Are you going to watch me the entire time?” I tilted my head to one side. “Don’t you have work to do?” I hated it when people stared at me and having him watch me while I read was just uncomfortable.

“Uhm, yeah, I mean no.” He turned to leave and turned back. “I will be right next door if you need anything,” He whipped around only to turn back again. “Oh, and your guard is right outside your door.” He smiled with his hands still in his pockets before finally leaving!

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