
Chapter 46

"I knew it!" I exclaimed ecstatically while my eyes are restless trying to look around at once because of how beautiful the whole place is.

"You knew what?" Liam asked confused as he looked at me.

He couldn't believe how much I am amaze right now. 

I didn't answer him and just kept rolling my eyes all around with my mouth hanging open.

This place is so beautiful in the distance, the crystal-like color of the water is really heart-warming. The whole perimeter surrounded by stones seems to have been deliberately arranged to be perfectly positioned just for my eyes to look at.

It seems to exists in fantasy movies that I only watched in movies back then.

I feel like I'm in a fairytale.

What if a fairy suddenly appeared in front of me?

The lake is also surrounded by tall trees but it does not cover it and hides the beauty of the place.

"Are you seriously that amazed?" Liam asked me again.

"Of course, not


Warning: The next chapter would not be suitable for very young readers and sensitive minds. Contains graphic sex scenes, adult language, and situations intended for mature readers only. Feel free to skip it!!!

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