
175- Admiration and alcohol

Just like I have every other time I’ve managed to communicate with Kiara, I come back to myself feeling dizzy and kind of like throwing up. Not sick exactly, more like I’ve pushed myself way too far. I don’t know why it’s so exhausting to speak to her when watching her, particularly in my sleep, it takes no effort at all. In fact I can’t seem to STOP doing that. It’s frustrating but worth it. I can feel a little tired and unwell if it helps Kiara cope with what she’s going through until we can get to her. My phone vibrates and I move too fast to grab it, making my head spin. Woah, that's confusing. I have a text from… Bellamy? Isn’t he downstairs? Unless he went out while I was meditating, but I doubt he would leave without telling me first. He’s way too freaked out about the psychos threatening me. I open the message.

Bellamy- S.O.S. You have a guest…

S.O.S? Why would me having a guest require an S.O.S. Unless… who would Bellamy want rescuing from? I suspect I know the answ
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