
Chapter 56


‘Tell the court what happened Mrs. Smith, remember you are under oath,’ Jake tells her as her eyes dart to Carter then to the jury. She gives a sharp nod fiddling with her fingers as she does so.

‘I was driving back from work, just coming up to the A40 where the blind bend is, the speed limit decreases for that corner. The car in front of me had slowed down before the truck came hurtling into him, I always leave a 10 second gap otherwise I would have been involved in the accident as well,’ her prim voice announces clearly for everyone to hear.

Jake points to Carson before asking his next question.

‘This man seated here can you confirm he is the driver?’ Mrs. Smith peers at Carson, her eyes dart to Carter for a second before moving back. She presses her lips together wringing her hands some more. Jake see’s this before reminding her she’s under oath. She looks up at him sharply before nodding once more. As each second passes she gets more and more distressed to the point she
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