

He cuddled her in her dreams, that realm of unrestricted possibilities which afforded her the luxury of being in his arms, his voice whispering to her in that low guttural tone that sent her juices flowing. His breath was fanning her ears, his palms running through her body.

And how quickly did such romantic fantasy take an erotic turn?

Those fingers which had known her most intimate places slipped into her tight opening, finding her wet and ready like a flower, her nectars flooding his thick fingers. His thumb rubbed against her clitoris in a slow circular motion, eliciting a loud moan from her.

And inducing a flood of juices down her body which soon started to make her uncomfortable...

It was almost as if she were...

Clara's eyes snapped open, awakened by her heavy bladder which was almost quite ready to send it raining down her thighs. With a low curse, she dashed out of bed and found her way to the bathroom, her eyes shut in ecstatic relief as the heavy burden of biological ne

***Note: Somnophilia- the fetish/kink of being attracted to sleeping people.

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