


The three men that strode into the room looked normal enough. I could have mistaken them for business men, if it weren’t for the men they dragged into the room, bound hands and feet.

A heck of a business torture and execution was.

‘Good sportsmanship Alexander, that’s what we do, we hunt our enemies for sport.’ My father’s voice echoed oddly in my head as I raked my eyes over the blanched faces of the men that had their eyes damn near swollen shut.

“Well if it isn’t McKenzie’s old boy, my, my, you look a right fright don’t you?” The ring’s unofficial chief drawled, snapping me out of my reverie, as I turned with a grimace to meet his clear brown eyes.

“I could say the same for you Erwin, but I’m afraid you aren't quite tall enough for my eyes to rest on.” I rasped airily, drawing a few chuckles from the ring members as the smirk fell like a handful of condoms from the man’s ruddy face.

I heard Priest’s awkward laughing beside me as I glowered at the richly dressed man who
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