


The gray stretch of road blurred in my vision as the steering wheel spun out my hands before I snapped out of the lapse, lunging for the spinning wheel and fishtailing the car wildly back into place, my heart beating a jagged tune in my chest.

“Are you okay?” I wheezed, risking a glance at the red-faced woman in the passenger seat that only bared her teeth in response, her eyes fixed unnervingly on the road as she drew in loud pants, the bead of sweat that had gathered on her forehead rolling down to slip through her cleavage before I turned up the air conditioning.

The cold blast of air did nothing to calm the fire in the pit of my stomach that had started after that blasted phone call back at the manor.

“Hello?” I breathed, feeling my dick twitch as adrenaline surged to throb numbly at my fingertips, my brows working in confusion to make out the raving on the other end so that I pressed a hand to my other ear to drown out the static.

“They’ve got me, Xander, fucking McCo
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