


My eyes moved to the gun my husband was gripping tightly in one shaky hand, gulping reflexively with some measure of relief when I saw that his fingers were loose on the trigger.

HE HAD A GUN? Think Darlene! THINK!

“Alexander,” I whispered hoarsely, my tongue darting out to lick my lips before I trailed off, keeping my eyes trained on the hand that was fisting the gun.

He was walking towards me now, with slow, deliberate steps. Saints, what was I going to do?

I felt around the wall behind me as my heart beat a jagged rhythm in my chest as an icy, bottomless terror opened in my stomach.

Why did I have to be backed against the stretch of wall with no hooks? Stupid, stupid Darlene!

I was almost certain, that this was how I was going to die, backed up against my husband's office wall with nothing to my person but a demure slip dress that did nothing to match my hair, before I saw him place the gun carefully on the table.

“Wait, you're- your’e not gonna shoot me?” I croaked as the
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