
61~ Perspectives

Writer's POV

The coffee shop was bustling with the usual morning crowd, the scent of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. Ashley Wilkie sat at a small table by the window, a steaming mug of latte in front of her, waiting for Xender to arrive. They had arranged to meet before work to discuss letting Xavier know about their relationship. Ashkey looked at her watch and checked her phone, still no message from Xender.

Just as she was about to text him, the sound of shattering glass filled the air. Ashley looked up to see a man sprinting past the coffee shop, followed by a group of people in hot pursuit. She watched as they disappeared around the corner and the noise of their shouting voices faded away. The other patrons of the coffee shop were murmuring nervously to each other, unsure of what had just happened.

Ashley stood up, her heart racing in fear. She knew that Xender some times took this route to get to the coffee shop and was worried that he might have been caught up in the comm
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