
Chapter 35


I laugh and look at the hanging pieces again, making mental calculations.

"I don't think I'll need to get rid of anything, just relocate it here and there. "I exclaim, after a thought comes to mind. "Oh, damn!

"What's wrong? "he's alarmed.

"I haven't given Laura any explanation! "I walk away and look in my bag for my cell phone. I try to turn it on, and then I realize I haven't even charged it. "Oh, shit! "I rummage through my bag again, reach for my charger and look for a socket, but can't find it. I look at Brandon, with an inquisitive look, who points me to one on the wall next to the door. I ran over to it.

"Do you think you'll need me around here? "Brandon wants to know, pushing another pouf over so that I can sit down.

"No, don't worry. "I reply, settling down. "I turn around. You can go about your business. If you want, you can even go back to the office. I'll be fine.

"No, I'm not leaving you alone at a time like this! I just need to make a few calls. Not o
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