
Chapter 61


However, as the pressures at the restaurant persist, even my commitment to my promise to prioritize my relationship with Brandon begins to falter. The daily demands, unforeseen challenges and constant worries become a burden that is difficult to bear.

At first, I try to keep the date nights and special moments going, but I soon realize that my intentions are being swallowed up by the demands of the restaurant.

"I've been thinking. "Brandon approaches me, massaging my shoulders, while I'm in his office, examining samples of the new menu. "We could go away this weekend. You, Aaron and me. We could take Laureen to help us with the baby. "He pulls my hair, making me turn my head to the side, so he can get to my neck and nibbles on it, making me shiver. "This way we'll have a bit of time to ourselves.

I bite my lip and swallow. I know my answer won't please him.

"This weekend, we'll be adding the restaurant's new recipes. I need to be there, love… "I feel Brandon close his frown
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