
Chapter 6

Jessie gave a laugh and shook her head. “Okay so… that’s because I wasn’t seeing him then, yet. We’ve been friends for a long time, though. And we got a little tipsy one night at a work thing, went back to mine, messed around, he stayed the night, you know,” she murmured under her breath with raised brows. “And then… he kind of never left?” She shook her head with a grin. “I know its all so fast, but it feels like our whole friendship was leading up to this. He proposed last week!” She let out another giggle. “My parents don’t know yet…no one does, actually. I’m only about 15 weeks along, and I wanted to be sure everything was all good before we told them in person. Actually, I’m kind of glad Mitch picked me up instead of Mom. She would be excited, but… you know.”

Aiden nodded. She did indeed know. Cynthia was one of the sweetest women and best moms, but she was a little on the old-fashioned, traditional side. But Cynthia also knew her daughter and her ways quite well - Jessie had always been a fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants type of person. She moved to Chicago with less than a month’s worth of planning, after all: a whirlwind decision that not only fit perfectly well with her free spirited personality, but had, in true Jessie fashion, worked out fantastically. “Yeah. But give her some credit. I’m sure she’s going to be thrilled to be a grandmother! And gain a new son-in-law, too.”

Jessie giggled again. “Yeah, you’re right. They’re both going to be happy. I just can’t believe it. I’m gonna be a mom and a wife in less than a year! Like what?” She shook her head as they finally got the big Blue Beast in sight out in the parking lot. “Aiden, he’s amazing. We work together at the gallery, which is his side gig. He curates for the Art Institute, too. He is one of the best people I know… loves kids, loves animals, works hard, he’s responsible, grounded… and he treats me so well. He’s going to be a great dad. He’s already such a good partner.”

“I’m so freakin happy for you, Jess. I can’t wait. For any of it!”

“And, uh… how ‘bout you?” Jessie said softly, with an exaggerated waggle of her brows and a sly grin. “No more Eric, I know… but don’t think I missed you holding hands with Mitch. What’s going on there?”

At this, Aiden reddened a bit. She hadn’t realized they’d been holding hands still inside the baggage claim; her surprise at her best friend’s news had her forgetting herself. “Ah… well. Um. I don’t really know, exactly,” she stammered, just above a whisper as she shot Jessie a meaningful look, relieved that the truck was only a few yards away and the guys farther ahead. She cleared her throat with a shy grin, and gave a little shrug.

“Uh huh,” Jessie said, in a quiet, knowing tone of voice, before Mitch unlocked the Jeep and popped the liftgate. He and Jacob began loading the bags inside while Aiden and Jessie hung back a bit.

“Oh my gosh, stop!” Aiden giggled. “I honestly don’t know. Today has been weird but good. We’re going out later. And I don’t know what to call it, but… I don’t want to get my hopes up again.”

Jessie gave her a funny look at that, her head tipped to the side. “Listen. I already told you ages ago that crush of yours was wholly reciprocated. But he wasn’t about to start anything before moving so far away for school. Or when he wasn’t sure if he was coming back. But now that he is…”

“Yeah, but I’m not back, Jess.” She blew out a sigh and flashed her a smile. “I’m just gonna enjoy the next few days and let things ride.”

Jessie gave her another knowing smile and a shrug. “Whatever you say!” she sang out as they hopped into the Jeep and buckled up. As Mitch slid into the driver’s seat beside her, he glanced at Aiden with a questioning look, which she ignored in favor of turning around in her seat to eye up the couple in the back who were already staring lovingly at one another.

“Ah, young love,” she teased as Mitch started up the truck. “So. Who’s gonna tell Momma Cynthia she has an extra guest?”

“Not it!” Mitch and Jessie called out at the same time as the car smoothly pulled into gear. Aiden exchanged a glance with Jacob, but before she could open her mouth, he blurted “Not it!” Mitch cracked up laughing.

“Fast learner,” he said as Aiden sat back with a huff.

“This is gonna be fun,” she said with sarcasm edging her tone. “Fine! I’ll do it but let me just say, I’m HAPPY I’ll be staying alone at my own place this week.” At that sobering thought of being stuck with a potentially annoyed pair of parents with little buffer, Mitch and Jessie’s faces fell and she let out a whoop. “HA.”

“Not if I can help it,” Jessie muttered suggestively under her breath as Aiden stared daggers at her and tapped at Cynthia’s number. With a puff of resignation, she put the phone to her ear and settled in for either a rant or a panicked flurry of activity.

“Hi Cyn. Yeah, I got in just fine! Thanks for everything, and for sending Mitch over. Mhm. Mhm. Yeah, I went with him to pick Jessie up. It was a nice drive” She glanced over at Mitch, who had a smile planted firmly on his lips. “Oh yeah, everyone is good. But Jessie has a little …er… surprise. Yup. Well, I’m going to let her tell you everything, but you’re going to have an extra guest.”

She pulled the phone from her ear at the exclamation that followed with a wince. “Nope…noooo, no… I wouldn’t… nope, I wouldn’t worry about setting up an extra room…” She turned to shoot a devilish look at Jessie, who had gone a bit pale, while Jacob seemed to be turning a lovely shade of crimson. “Uh huh. Yup. Well… okay, I’ll leave that up to you guys… Yup. Okay! Well! We’re on our way, going through a bad cell spot. See you later, love you, bye!”

With a smirk at what was sure to be an awkward introduction now, she settled back in her seat again as she ended the call and hummed out a self-satisfied sound.

“Damn, Aiden, remind me never to get on your bad side,” Jacob piped up from the back, causing a ripple of laughter from all four of them to fill the truck and break the last of the ice. Before long, a steady conversation had begun, and soon enough, Jacob felt like a welcome part of the gang. Almost as if he’d been there all along. Even Mitch, who had seemed a little standoffish at first, was joking and laughing with his soon to be brother-in-law as if they’d known one another forever. They’d even discovered some common interests, including an inexplicable love for a random football team out West.

The rest of the drive passed by in what seemed a blur with only a stop or two for bathroom breaks and road trip snacks, until they were once again rolling down the main street of Pebble Point. By now, the sidewalks were full of beach goers and summer visitors down from the nearest cities, enjoying all the little seaside village had to offer. It was a perfect beach day - not too hot with a light ocean breeze - and restaurant lunch time hours had just ended. Traffic was a little iffy, but not as bad as it would be on a weekend. And soon enough, Mitch had turned down the small side street that would take them to her house.

“Wait, you’re really not coming back to the house with us?” Jessie almost whined and Aiden suspected it was two-fold - wanting her there to keep catching up while also acting as a distraction and buffer for Cynthia. Aiden rolled her eyes, playfully, and hefted a sigh. “Please, Aiden? Please please please please pleeeaaasssseee come with us! Please, you have to! Mom and Dad will freak if you’re not there for dinner tonight! It’ll be breaking tradition!”

“Gosh, is it me, or have you upped your puppy dog game?”

“Its not just you,” quipped Mitch, turning to shake his head at his sister as they pulled up to the cottage and he put the car in park. “She’s even more relentless than ever.”

“I would love to, but I was barely here for ten minutes this morning and I want to check on everything. Plus, as much as I can’t wait to see Mom and Dad Davis, you guys have some big family stuff to discuss and celebrate and I don’t want to intru-”

“Don’t you dare say it, Aiden!” Jessie practically shouted. “You’re family and you know it.”

“She’s right, you know,” Mitch agreed and Aiden couldn’t help but nudge him in the ribs.

“I would appreciate you being there,” Jacob added and at that, Aiden at last blew out a sigh.

“Okay, okay. But let me at least pop in and freshen up and change. Please? You guys are more than welcome to hang out inside or on the beach.”

Jessie was already out of her seatbelt and at the front door before Aiden even had a chance to open her car door. The guys followed quickly after, making way for Aiden to fish her keys out of her bag.

“Ahhh, just as perfect as I remember it,” Jessie breathed out with reverence as they stepped inside, before sliding her arm around Aiden’s after she bent to grab her bag from just inside the entrance. She glanced at Mitch and Jacob, who were both gazing around with distinctly different expressions - one curious, one nostalgic.

“You guys are welcome to anything in the kitchen,” Aiden called with a laugh as she was practically dragged up the stairs. She had had a grocery order sent ahead in anticipation of the day, including a 6 pack of beer. Even after the long drives and what she was sure would be a little while before she was ready to get back in the car, they had plenty of time to kick back for a bit.

Jessie flopped down on the soft, fluffy bed in the main bedroom that Aiden had taken over a few years ago, while Aiden meandered her way into the en-suite bathroom and started running the hot water in the sink, hellbent on at least washing her face. She pulled her facewash from the bag and gave a luxurious stretch before leaning in the doorway, a half smile on her face as she stared at her best friend.

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