
The prison.

"Are you being serious, Tina?". Mateo questioned.

Tina scoffed before staring at the sky. She thought to herself, 'Everything ended easily, not like I expected at all. Linda is nowhere to be found according to what the police said, and Bella, why is she pleading to see me?'. Tina tried to ignore these thoughts, but it grew more and more inside her mind, getting her really uncomfortable.

Tina sighed in defeat and suddenly said, "I'm going to the prison".

Susie was so surprised after hearing what Tina said. She stood in front of Tina and held Tina's shoulders with her hands as she said, "Are you being serious now? Why would you go to the police station? Is it because of that rude brat?. Most importantly, I don't think you should go there. You don't look so good".

Tina smiled and admitted to Susie, "The police officer said Bella begged to see me. I don't want to visit her at all, but I don't feel good either by ignoring her".

Susie sighed deeply and removed her hands on Tina's should
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