


Since I was young, I had never believed in all this mythical beings even though almost all my friends does, I detested them for a reason strange to me. The fact that humans are in the lower chain with them involved made me detest them even more.

They took humans as food and I also felt that they were too proud and egostic, some of them drinl human's blood while turning them to a monster or evem killing them.

Some take the lives of innocent animals, these reasons were enough for me to feel disgusted whenever they are mentioned. I knew they did not exist anymore and I felt that they were just myths.

But, all my ideas, opinions, morals, everything was trampled on when I heard that they existed and the most frustrating fact was that I was also one of them.

I was one of the flesh eaters, those that abandon their body to become monster for power, monsters that always looked down on us humans. No, it was not 'us' anymore, I was one of those monsters.

My parents hid such a huge
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