
Chapter 12

Swara’s POV

“So, you were bringing me to the temple all along?” I sighed.

“Are you disappointed?”

“Thinking about it now – how long would I hide my death? Soon people will hear word that I’m alive.” I reasoned, guessing the temple had something to do with it.

“You are thinking like me. I want you to hide in this temple in the meantime. Till I’m back from teaching your ex-lover and father a lesson.”

“I thought you were going back to find information on my biological father?”

“Oh, and that too.” He had a mischievous look on his face.

“When will you be back?”

“Maybe in 6 months.”

“What will you be doing at New Crystal for 6 months?!” I almost screamed.

“Shhhh! You don’t scream in a temple else the Moon Goddess might turn you to a ritual bowl.”

“I’m not a kid. Who are you deceiving?” I pouted.

“Not only kids can be deceived.”

“Sage Reon.” I teased. “You’ve got so many wise words that you just throw them at random.”

“Yes, dear. That’s how I became an Alpha king. And you a runa
Deborah Benjamin

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