
Chapter 17

“Say that again?” Jace asked Kyle. They had just finished meeting with the marketing department and were left behind in the conference room.

“ACEGame wants us to submit our detailed proposal,” Kyle repeated.

“Are you kidding me? Aren’t we supposed to meet their boss so we will be able to explain the details further?”

“They told me that their boss would be very busy this month, so they canceled the meeting. They promise to look into our proposal and study it, and then they will get back to us.”

“What if they reject it? How will we explain the project to them if they base their decision only on the proposal? How will we answer their question if they will not meet us?” Jace asked continuously. He wanted collaboration very much but didn’t know why.

“Then we get another meeting. They said their boss will be very busy this month, which I understand since he just arrived.”

“Don’t you see it, Kyle? They didn’t want to work with us!” Jace exclaimed. “Asked for another meeting. Tell them that
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