

But nude?

"Am I restricted to this room, then?"

"Oh, no, miss. Mr. Jason also informed me that you are to partake of breakfast in the dinning room. He wished to you join him as soon as you finished your shower."

Dinning room? While naked?

Well, as I said, it shouldn't come as a surprise.

"Where ahh where is the dinning room, Charles?"

"Betsy will show you the way, miss."

Right, I thought, as I remembered her words of the previous night. Males dominate, while females are the submissive. Naturally she would be the one delegated that task.

Casting one more look at my colorful body, I shrugged. "Well, I ahh guess I'm ready, Betsy. Lead away."

"Yes, miss."

She turned and headed out of the room as I, with a bit of trepidation, followed in her wake.

"Ah Betsy, ahh has ahh this happened before?"

"A nude guest, you mean, miss?"

"Yea, a nude guest."

"No, miss, not to my knowledge."

"Oh, ahh and what do make of that fact? I mean, why me?"

"I'm sure I couldn't say, miss. But if I were to hazard a
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