
Man Beast

He let the other man-beast mate with one as he took the other to be his alpha female. Humans tired to destroy us many times. We found this cave deep in part of the forest that was thick and unexplored. The cave has been secluded for many years and as you seen, our numbers are growing. I am master's first wife and do not be alarmed, it is custom for the master to take many wives to ensure our clan continues to exist.

Cindy then said, "Wow that is some story. I am not sure when, but somewhere I have heard it before. You see I was raised in an orphanage and did not know anything about my parents."

The woman-beast grabbed her face in surprise and said, "Oh my god, I cannot believe what I am hearing. There is a story about a young female that was born and looked human rather then like the rest of us. Her mother took her to the village and abandoned her, because she feared that the clan would reject her. Maybe you are that girl."

Cindy looked as if she would faint again and the woman-beast
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