

He went to grab her breast, but before he could touch her I was on him. I grabbed him by his arm and threw him off the chair, onto the ground. He was taken by surprise and fell hard.

“Who the fuck?” He shouted, his face turning red.

“How dare you place a hand on our Princess, especially as a guest of the royal family.” I snarled.

“I’m a Prince!” He yelled. “Who the fuck are you?”

“I am Arthur, the head housekeeper.”

“Head housekeeper?” He scoffed. “That doesn’t mean shit.”

“Guards!” I called out.

Two guards entered the room, their hands on the hilts of their swords.

“This man has placed a hand on our Princess, and has insulted the Royal Family. I ask that you escort him out of the building.”

“Is that so?” One of the guards questioned, looking down at the Prince.

“We will take it form here, Arthur.” The other guard nodded.

They grabbed the Prince by the arms and picked him up off the ground. He struggled for a moment then looked at the princess.

{ describe the prince saying disgusting
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