
Chapter 27) Thin SILVER Lines

To Burn in desire ;

And Keep Quite about it ;

Is the greatest punishment

I can take on myself


I won't dare to cross that


Of Us"




What was INTIMACY ?

For anyone it could be a cosy , private and peaceful moment with their partner .

Excluding materialistic thoughts , INTIMACY wasn't only about sex and physical relationship . Word INTIMACY was like a pure soul or untouched clear water .

Word INTIMACY was a very sensuous soul-warming feeling that changed the senses or thinking of a person from desiring of having sexual intercourse to Wishes to MAKE-LOVE . There was a huge differences between in these two words which also described the different meanings of both desiring moments

The true INTIMACY happened when both partners were Feeling safe enough to be vulnerable in each other's company , to share , to understand , to seek , to bound everything came under the one word INTIMACY

INTIMACY worked like a life-Supporting system in cou

This Chapter is little bit sensuous . Under 15 beware

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