
TAKEN forty-seven

TAKEN forty-seven

"Do you think he would do it?"Allen asked Flora.

"After all that money?"Flora replied.

Flora and Allen lay beside each other in his room both pondering on what Spencer's decision would be. They hoped he didn't plan on returning the money. But Flora strongly believed after all those threat Spencer would definitely give in. And she has also fone her part trying to convince Allen's mum about Marcus going over to Spencer's place. Flora prayed her hard work didn't go in vain. She wasn't just doing this because she was naturally a good person or Allen was a good person. No. She did this after carefully making up a decision that night with Yvonne. Although she has tried having second thoughts on staying with Yvonne, but Allen's shaft was a mind changer. She wanted more and and more of it often.

She looked over at Allen's side. He has never been these weak and tensed. She knew he was wrong in all kind of ways sleeping with his brother's wi

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