
Chapter Forty- Four.

“Where am I?” He asked himself as he sat up, he looked around, recognition slowly seeped in.

This was his room, he was laying on his bed, although he could still feel pain but not so much, he could feel ointment all over his body especially his face.

He slowly stood up, wondering how he got to be in his room or was he dreaming?

He pinched himself “Ahhhh.” He winced in pain, he had pinched an injured part.

His mind drifted to what had happened before everything turned black.


“I can smell them, they are coming!” Chase said as he rushes into the room they were staying.

Madam Dera sprang to her feet in fear, she was treating the Alpha whose wounds were just so deep and scattered around his body, even her powers were doing little then expected.

“What do we do?” The older woman asked with fear.

“Don’t do anything, let them come in, let them in.” Kaiden said with a weak voice.

Madam Dera shook her head “My lord you don’t deserve any of these, my lord this is too much, you shouldn’t be pu
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