
16; A coup.

Camila Castello.

Regardless of my earlier thought though, I’ve come to one conclusion. Cassain Gregory is a friend, not a foe. He’s spent seven years making me believe so. And I whole heartily do. And if there’s one thing I understood after spending seven years with them, then it’s that I may have gotten myself a new family—one that have accepted Luna and I despite not without qualms.

Sure, it took Salazar a while to warm up to me, but in all fairness, I wasn’t expecting him nor the others to accept me with open arms. Sure, Vampires and Werewolves have a peace treaty, but it has only stand for so long because each stayed in their own territory, mingling only when extremely necessary.

I’m honestly even surprised the King allowed Klaus to stay by his side all those years.

Ria was more accepting, and has also helped me throughout my pregnancy—while Joana lit up our days with her sunny presence. She’s grown to be an elder sister to Luna, despite them not being related in any way.

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