
30; Then we met again.

30- “Then we meet again.”.

Camilla Castello.

Following how our conversation ended, Ria and Salazar left to carry on with whatever task they were up to—something along the lines of conversing with other leaders of the Kingdom, Cassain opted to join them as well, but not before keeping his earlier promise of making sure food was delivered to my place and he’s made sure I would be okay being alone, to which I waved off with a smile and the statement, “Of course, I’ll be fine. I’m not a child.”

He simply hummed at that, then said something along the lines off, “Whatever sails your boat, little wolf.” And with one last pat on my shoulders, he trudged out as well, as he had responsibilities as the King of Vampires other than babysitting a she-wolf who has a crush on him though she hasn’t admitted it, and has no plans on doing so.

With them gone, I found myself sinking further into the chair as I sighed deeply, my shoulders slumping. I don’t know how long I remained in that position, but it
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