

A call woke Emma up.

She soughed, as she stretched herself lazily on the cozy queen sized bed, wondering on who could be calling her already this early morning. 

Blinking her eyes rapidly as she laid on her bed, her thoughts going tro and fro, she stretched her right hand towards the cupboard nearest to her bed in a bid to get her alarm clock. She didn't think the time had passed 6:30am, the time to which the alarm clock had been set to, since forever; everywhere was still eerily silent, and her closest neighbor, whose name she didn't know yet, hasn't started chopping woods. He was usually up before her 6:30am waking up time. She had seen him only once, on Tuesday, while she had been waiting for Derek to pick her up for school. That was how she had known that the chopper of woods was a huge man who didn't reply greetings. She knew because she

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