


Her body was phenomenal; beautiful and sexy. Her

scent was like a drug; intoxicating and addictive. I wanted to worship her to

bring her the most immense pleasure. But I was not going to rush it, NO!

Masterpieces take time. I had so many things that I wanted to do to her, but

I'd have to take it one night at a time. There was no way I could perform them

all in one night of bliss.

I blocked out Gidian, call me selfish, but I

wanted the night to be just the two of us.

Hazel begged for my touch and pleaded with me to

enter her, but I was not going to give in so easily. I wanted her to get a

taste of how it felt to crave my touch, the same way I craved hers for months.

I looked at her naked body. She was perfect, handcrafted by the Gods.

Five more minutes and I couldn't take it anymore.

I needed to feel our skin touching. Our lips collided once more, the kiss was

hot and steamy. "Hmm, Zander." Her voice came out shaky and I could

tell she was hungry for more.

"Are you hungry,
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