


Ruby has never been this hastening in meeting another person— thought those are entirely not even people she knew off before.

She had just heard them and haven't even seen them, but she wanted to see them and speak to them.

She leaned closer again, hearing them.

"The vampire king is going to have our head roll on the ground if we didn't even tackled that girl."

"I Heard about how much their Alpha love her. "

"And that was exactly why our boss is afraid."

There were silent— and everyone breathing out.

"Our boss ain't afraid of them. He care for our life."

Another laughed out. "Listen to yourself you sick fellow, when have our boss started caring about us? When have he started thinking about our lives?"

Another one argued. "He did care. He wanted this lady for all of us purpose. Nothing more."

"Nope. You're getting it wrong." A deeper voice surged. "You see, his life depend on her. If we can get her to him, he is going to be ha
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