
CHAP 39:{ Bargaining chip}


Lorenzo forcibly lifted me onto his shoulder. Panic and desperation consumed me. Felix fought against Lorenzo, desperately trying to save me from this grim fate.

The struggle between the two men intensified, each grappling for control over my life.

"Let her go!" Felix cried out, his voice trembling with fear and anguish. But my pleas fell on deaf ears as the struggle between them escalated.

At the moment's chaos, a shot rang out, shattering the air with a deafening sound.

Time seemed to stand still as I watched in horror. Felix, my beloved, crumpled to the ground, his life extinguished in an instant. Blood stained his chest, a chilling reminder of the tragedy that had befallen us. The congregation erupted into screams and gasps, their voices blending with my own cries of despair.

Lorenzo, cold and unyielding, continued his ruthless mission. With me still held captive, he carried me toward the church's exit, leaving behind a scene of devastation and grief.

The echoes of the
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