
Chapter Forty Four


"You have no idea, princess."

Those words have stayed stuck in my head from the moment they were said up until now, hours later.

I can still remember every bit of the expressions that had crossed his face and every emotion that had  flirted across his eyes when he'd said them.

There's just something in the way the words had fallen from his luscious, kissable lips that make them stick with you, even when you don't want it to.

I can still feel the impression of his body against mine, his heat and scent still wrapped around my very being even now, just like it had been when I woke up this morning.

The slow brush of the tip of his nose against the length of my neck had had all my earlier resolves to stay clear of him in this manner up in flames, in a second.

And the feathery trail of his hand along of the side of

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