

I finish dressing up. I have dragged everything as much as I could because I don't know how today will end, but nothing that has a beginning that doesn't have an end. I'm finally all ready to go to wherever this monster wants to take me.

I look at my reflection in the mirror, not to admire myself because there is nothing to admire about this damaged face or because I feel any need, but to just kill some more time. The monster is perched on the bed scrolling through his phone, waiting for me. One glance at my reflection in the mirror, and I curse the moment I decided to look at myself. The two wounds look worryingly sore with a discernible tinge of redness on the sides. The small ones aren't that bad, but they don't look good at all either. No wonder I feel like I am accommodating three faces in mine.

"We can see a doctor on the way." That evil voice echoes through my ears, making me look away from the mirror, almost colliding with him as he walks to where I am.

"What is the use of ge
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