
The Engagement Party


The Engagement Party

I hang on Dylan's arm as we enter. He really doesn't know what he's getting into.

Kenzy, Dylan! You look lovely, dear. And you, Dylan - that suit is... quite original."

I grimace at my mom.

Does she have to start with the veiled insults the moment we walk through the door? I already know she prefers Raymond to Dylan.

Probably because I limited the time she spent with Raymond for this very reason.

Thanks, mom.

Joseph comes to rescue us.

''Hannah s already here, she said she needs to talk to you when you get here."

Dylan and I follow Joseph to the corner of the room, where Hannah is sitting by the snacks table. She winks at us. "Thought you might need a reason to getaway.

Did we have to invite her?" I moan.

"She'd be crushed if you didn't, "Joseph points out. "Don't be too hard on her. She means well. She's just misguided."

I know.," I sigh, and Dylan puts his arm around me.

It's ok. This is what I signed up for, remember? It's just one night.

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