

The harsh rays of sun that glimmered through the window made Payton squint her brows and then roll on her stomach.

Her head banged so terribly that she felt like it was going to come off from her neck.

Groaning and moaning gently, her phone rang, giving a loud sound and she hissed again.

She stretched her hand and dropped it on the bed beside her to search for the phone that was usually beside her on the bed.

However, it did not take long before she realized that she was not touching the bed… but a skin and that that was not her phone’s ringing tone.

Hold on… her hand was on a skin. 

A person’s body…


When the sound finally stopped and the voice of the raspy man came up, Payton snapped her eyes open and then sat up.

Realizing that she was stark naked, she laid in the bed back and pulled the cover on her body before she let out a scream.

King let out a grunt as he did not get what Dariel had just said. 

The woman’s sudden scream would not let him.

Waking up, naked with a woman by his side was definitely not what he was expecting.

The last thing he remembered was sipping his drink in this room while he waited for Dariel.

Dariel was his best friend and they had planned to meet at the hotel that he owned.

Before he made his way to the hotel, he had stopped by the club to make a quick inspection before he came to his room.

He was still waiting when Dariel called to tell him that he would not be coming in again as he got stuck with something else, and then, he ordered his drink in.

Why this woman was in the room with him and how he did not remember anything past the details of him drinking… he did not know.

“What did you say?” 

He ignored the woman and asked.

“The internet. Hold on, where are you?”

The panic in Dariel’s voice could not go unnoticed.

“Talk slowly. What is going on.”

“Shit, you are all over the internet!” He hollered.

“W… what did you do to me?”

King heard the soft voice of the woman as he dropped the call. He ignored her and then browsed through his phone gently.

Seeing the hashtag of his name and that he was trending as the number one, he let out a sigh before he clicked on the video that appeared under his name.

King's eyes broadened as he watched the obscene video of himself and the woman in the video and he had no doubt that she was the one beside him.

She sat on him while he wrapped his arms around her bare back and kissed her hungrily.

She was wearing just pants, and her breasts were pressed tightly against his bare chest.

The video ended there and he clicked on another one where he sucked on her nipples like his life depended on it.

Although her breasts and his cock were slightly blurred, their faces were shown clearly and there was no way anyone would mistake them for another person.

King finally dropped his phone, got out of bed while he still ignored the woman, and then strolled to the bathroom.

First, he gotta clean away the semen that had dried up on his dick.

Payton released the breath she didn’t know that she was holding till she heard the closing sound of the door of whichever room the man had just entered.

As if being found naked with him was not enough, this man was not even saying anything or sparing her a glance.

He even walked to the bathroom naked like she was not there!

Payton was no kid. She knew that something had happened.

The sticky feeling she was getting underneath her was proof on its own.


Hurriedly, she got out of the bed, grabbed the cover, and wrapped it around her body.

She looked around the room, grabbed her phone that was lying on the drawer, and then clicked on the home button.

Realizing that it was turned off, she hissed as pressed down the power button and then waited for it to turn on.

As she waited, Payton looked around the room that was messy, confirming her thoughts that something had indeed happened in this room.

Her bra was lying by the doorstep and her pants… clothes… Oh, Jesus.

What has that man done to her?

The beeping sound of notifications that bombarded her phone the moment it turned on jerked her back into reality and she breathed out.

She was about to unlock her phone when the door opened, and then the man stepped out of the bathroom.

Why was he back so soon?!

She glanced at the towel that was tied loosely around his waist and then gulped when her eyes landed on his abdominal muscle.

‘Okay… snap out of it, Payton. Not now!’

She shook her head and sighed again.

“I could not take a bath because of how disturbed I am. What happened here?”

When she heard the question that he asked her, she drew her brows together and then raised her head to look at him.


“You heard me. Don’t play deaf, woman.”

Payton patted her lips and then scoffed.

What happened here?

She was just going to ask him that?!

But hold on… he looked familiar and she could swear that she had seen him before.

He did not have a very common look.

His thick brows, thin lips, frowny face, and husky yet raspy voice were not something she had encountered every day.

“I should be asking…” she was cut short by her phone that rang.

“You are not going to say a word,” she raised her hand at the man in front of her as she stared at the caller ID.

“Good morning, ba…”

“Shit, Payton. Where are you?”

“Max?” She raised her brows as she felt the anger in his voice.

“Where the fuck are you?!”

“I… I’m home.”

“You are such a disgraceful woman and I swear…” 

He was still saying when the man in front of her covered the space between them and snatched the phone from her.

He ended the call and then threw her phone onto the couch beside her.

“You don’t understand the situation we are in, do you?”

“How dare you…?!”

“Who sent you?” King asked.

Payton exhaled as she patted her lips and then pressed her lips together.

She palmed her forehead as she looked around the room again and when her eyes fell on her stained shirt, she furrowed her brows in anger, and then… she remembered.

She turned to look at the man in front of her, pointed her index finger at the white shirt, and then at him.

“It was you!”


“What did you do to me?”

The last thing she remembered was taking a drink with her sister at the club.

How she entered this room and ended up in bed with this man was not something she remembered… not even the faintest!

“What did I do to you?” Kings raised his brows.

“What happened last night? I am certain that I did not…” Payton was saying when King's phone rang and he brushed past her to pick up the phone that was lying on the bed.


“Are you still at the hotel? The paparazzi are on their way there!” He exclaimed.

“How… how did they find me here?”

“I don’t know. Again, I am trying to take down the videos. It’s down from the source but there are multiple copies of it flying around already. It’s hard to control it. What is your room number? I’ll send a driver and securities,” he said.

“Room…” he palmed his forehead and shook his head.

“Room 1102,” he exhaled and then dropped the call.

“What is going on? I’m having a feeling that something terrible…”

King turned around, moved over to the woman, and then grabbed her arm rather tightly and pulled her closer to himself.

“Are you still trying to play innocent?” He frowned, his voice bellowed and cold.

“P…play innocent?”

“Our sex tape is flying over the internet!” He snapped at her face and pushed her away.

“W… what?” 

Payton felt the blood in her face drain instantly.

“W… what did you say?”

“How did you enter this room? Who sent you? I know for a fact that is my room and I did not bring you here. How did we have sex and why is our tape flying around the internet?!” He bellowed at the woman who flinched instantly.

Payton felt her lips tremble as the man yelled and she moved over to the chair to pick up her phone immediately.

As she unlocked it, her hands trembled but still, she went on the internet to search for the latest update.

What was happening to her this morning?

First, she had woken up beside this unknown man.

Then, she found out that they had sex.

Then… that sex tape was on the internet?


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